RailWire NAT type is STRICT even after calling them

Hello guys,

first of all glad that there is forum where users share their views regarding this.

So typical being railwire my NAT type is STRICT. Thus having problems in playing games, GTA 5 Online and Forza horizon 4 Online.

Called toll free kerala customer care and mailed them. They are saying they already set my IP to "gaming IP". But even after that when I check through xbox console application and rockstar social club network, strict still says STRICT. Still am getting
*frequent session not found error
*suddenly getting disconnected from sessions.
*not even connecting to my friends sessions.
*forza horizon online is literally unplayable.

Why even after customer care said its gaming ip, my nat type is not changing? Any views?
Can I go in to router settings and do some DMZ, uPoP.. some settings shown in one youtube video?

Will Railwire get to know that?

Please help me.. I am a youtuber and everyday I am sad due to leaving sessions automatically.
Same issue here. They changed my IP to gaming IP but still getting NAT Type 3. I used to get NAT Type 2 with gaming IP in 2018 to 2020. Can anyone share some light?
