Raise minimum broadband speed to 2 Mbps: Microsoft

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ACT Fibernet 300Mbps
Software giant Microsoft Corporation has urged the telecom regulator to raise the bar for offering broadband services in the country by mandating minimum speeds of 2 Mbps.

At present, telecom operators are allowed to offer Internet access at 256 kbps speed and call it broadband.

The actual speed being offered to the consumers is much lower. A 2 Mbps connection can download a 1 GB movie in one hour compared to nine hours taken by a 256 kbps line.

In response to the Telecom Regulatory Authority of India's (TRAI) pre-consultation paper on introducing fourth generation (4G) technology, Microsoft Corp (India) said, “The current definition of minimum 256 kbps download capacity in the last mile must be changed in two distinct aspects – firstly, the benchmark must be revised to at least 2 Mbps and secondly, it should be made less and less asymmetric as the user-generated content and other usage trends underscore such needs.”

The Redmond-based IT major has also suggested that TRAI should review the broadband speed benchmark every two years as more and newer applications continue to emerge.


There are a number of other entities which think the minimum broadband speed should be increased. In July 2009, TRAI itself indicated that the Government should redefine broadband services.

Speaking at a telecom seminar organised by the Assocham, Dr J. S. Sarma, Chairman, TRAI, had said that while there are countries which offer speeds of over 20 Mbps, India is still stuck at 256 kbps.

Pricing concerns

However, changing the definition of broadband will have major ramifications for operators. If offering a minimum of 2 Mbps speed is made mandatory, operators will have to invest heavily in ramping up their network. The additional cost burden on the operators will be passed on to the subscribers, making broadband expensive.

We do not think it is feasible to move from 256 kbps to 2 Mbps in one shot. If at all the definition has to be revised, then they should move to 512 kbps, otherwise it will be too costly for both operators and subscribers,” said a GSM player.

Market watchers pointed out that already telecom players, including Bharti Airtel and MTNL, have started offering 512 kbps broadband speed to everyone. Though operators also offer higher speeds of over 2 Mbps, they are heavily priced, taking it beyond the reach of most consumers.

Source: Raise minimum broadband speed to 2 Mbps: Microsoft
Its high time they should , all the FUD about heavy network upgradation costs is BS .
However, changing the definition of broadband will have major ramifications for operators. If offering a minimum of 2 Mbps speed is made mandatory, operators will have to invest heavily in ramping up their network. The additional cost burden on the operators will be passed on to the subscribers, making broadband expensive.
So their excuse for low speeds is that they will have to shell out money to upgrade..pfft...My friend has 10MBps up/down with Comcast in the US (unlimited) and he pays 50$ a month for it, do they really believe that if they come out with say even 2MBPS UL for 2500/- a month... it won't be popular ??

Indian ISP's are a joke..Govt should step in and remove all barriers for effective implimentation or whatever, direct FDi.. etc. whatever, even let them take the profits home if they want. But thigs HAVE to improve !!!
My friend has 10MBps up/down with Comcast in the US (unlimited) and he pays 50$ a month for it.

your friend has ever complained that he cannot get a full meal for around a dollar in the US market? we can here in india.

it is one thing for us to demand that the government change policies to make it possible for service providers to offer cheap connectivity but to compare india with USA is absurd to say the least.
your friend has ever complained that he cannot get a full meal for around a dollar in the US market? we can here in india.

it is one thing for us to demand that the government change policies to make it possible for service providers to offer cheap connectivity but to compare india with USA is absurd to say the least.
Not for a dollar but for 3$ u can get a Quarter pound at Burger King to fill 3 guyz up :)
But anyways, y not compare US with India? Is it like they're people have more brains or were they gifted from birth, everywhere u go everyone's talking about how our scientists / engineers are the best in the world and stuff like that, moreover.. if u cared to read my whole reply u would have noticed that I wasent asking for 10 MBPs, I was talking of 2Mbps UL, if u think that's too big of a demand, I thing u need to close this forum and ban everyone who complains of poor speeds etc.

If u think I'm wrong, just look at phone tariffs, u can call the US from India @ 7/8 RS. per minute, whereas vice-versa cost 2.5$ or above, if ur willing to compare food prices or take for that matter telephone charges, y not Broadband??

I think ISP's in our country have found a sweet-spot to settle at because they know we don't have any other option but to take whatever we get.
what i am saying here is... you are comparing apples with oranges. USA has somethings that we do not have. We have a couple of things they do not have. Our mobile industry is much more regulated compared to America. We do not pay for incoming calls or incoming SMS messages. THEY DO. And America is not the best example if you want to talk about broadband and internet. In fact, most americans hate their internet especially when they compared to what Europeans and some Asian countries do. I am not saying do not complain about broadband speeds. but make comparisons with 'comparable' countries. countries which are as big as us. or have as many people to feed as us. or are around as prosperous as us. brazil, china, russia? maybe. USA? no.

Not for a dollar but for 3$ u can get a Quarter pound at Burger King to fill 3 guyz up :)

LOL! and its so true... I have seen freakin' desis buying a single burger and sharing amongst three... they must have been really close to the poverty line out there :D
I am not saying do not complain about broadband speeds. but make comparisons with 'comparable' countries. countries which are as big as us. or have as many people to feed as us. or are around as prosperous as us. brazil, china, russia? maybe. USA? no.
Ok, china
8 MBps avg is still better than India's 256kbps

Anyways, I'll leave it that, point is we need UL and decent internet speed, atleast to stream youtube vids, not talking about running seedboxes at home.

and tip for vishalrao:
never buy anything to eat which costs above 7$ (at a fast food joint): they'll probably hand u a big platter which u probably wont be able to eat in a whole day. Happened to me in Vegas, true story :imwink:
