Reliance BroadNet: A prayer answered?

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Reliance BroadNet: My experiments with ISPs

I must confess I'm a media junkie. The last shutdown my poor souped up PC had was months back when the electricity fluctuated!

Reliance has put its ruddy foot in every aspect of my life. My own personal RIM (RIM to RIM free, which sustains my romantic life), the power (as you might have guessed) is also Reliance aka Reliance Energy, recently Reliance trapped me further with a bloody Fixed Wireless Phone (FWP) that has serious psychological issues with itself. All in all everything but my soul (I think) belongs to the Holy ‘R’.

I have a fetish for bandwidth; I’d rather download than play a game. I want all the games and software before my buddies even know they exist (cuz I love the look on their faces). With the miracle that is Torrents all that and more is just a few clicks (right clicks, saves, OKs, cancels etc. etc.) away.

I hereby furnish without prejudice my experience with ISPs:

:) Mantra Online : PSTN, was fun while 3.2 kB/s was exciting.
Fast forward the broadband age!!
Powersurfer : Dubious claimant to the broadband throne, should have been named ‘octogenarian surfer in comatose’ i.e., it sucked harder that Karan Johar on a lollypop.
My local ISP donned the white suit of armor and rode to me on a silver stallion with:
Sify : Who gave me, hold your breath, 5.4 kB/s !!! Man now I was happenin’ I could put a mp3 album for download and sit back for a week and hope that none of the other schmucks were using the net so I could sample the proverbial 64 kbps.
Sify (The Sequel): I squealed like that pig in that movie when my ISP walla took pity me and hooked me up to a 64 kbps dedicated line. Is there a catch you ask? Of course yaar, the damn thing was missing 5 days out of the week! I paid for a month then used it for a week if the connection was in a friggin mood to stay on that much.
Then I tried out nothing short of 7-10 different ISPs and 3 providers. None of them could sustain their connections long enough to justify the money I was paying them for unlimited connectivity.
BTW I shot, stabbed, kicked and punched my Internetwalla for giving me false hope, and I shot him again in the head to make sure.
sorry dude Reliance Broadnet totally sucks from my point of view. You are lucky to get it but most of us dont have it. Why? Simple cuz its NOT AVAILABLE :)
LOL, a well written post there, praveenzid... Very few of us have had a chance to see Reliance Broadnet, but the general consensus is that its way too costly :P Your post took me through the days when all of us probably first experienced the internet(me in 1997)... cybercafes costed 60-70 rupees an hour, my first VSNL account costed me 3000 rupees for 100 hours...And that black terminal screen window, where you had to enter your name and password...LMAO!Anyways, cheers.And welcome to the forums. :D
my first net experience was at 150 bucks an hour. three guys split up half an hour cost. made hotmail accounts.
Originally posted by max@Jan 17 2006, 05:51 PM
sorry dude Reliance Broadnet totally sucks from my point of view. You are lucky to get it but most of us dont have it. Why? Simple cuz its NOT AVAILABLE :)

Agreed and I'm trying to get the scoop on the Airtel service offering. Let's see maybe it's gonna give good 'ol R a run for its money.
Man I love the way competition drives these schmucks.
Please let us not get communal in here....
Reliance sent this happy confused Sardar home to me one day to explain their rates. What next.... A nice dumb hindu cc rep .....A cheerful idiot Muslim line man.....please be careful while posting. Grow up guys!

Would love to try out Reliance if one could get hold of their rates etc...They just seem to be off the broadband radar currently. Going by their reputation one would tread very cautiously before taking any of their plans.

Guys, got some inside info from reliance business guys.Currently they are rolling out services only to friendly users as trail basis is 10 cities : Mumbai, Hyderabad,Delhi,Calcutta,Chennai,Surat,Ahmedabad,Vadodara,Pune,BangaloreThe have planned to roll out fully from April.The maximum speed they are offering is 4 Mbps
Hope they do roll out something soon; it is high time they did so!.... The more the competition the merrier it is for us. I also hope their plans are affordable unlike the Tata blokes
Don't know about other cities but reliance has no plans to offer broadband services to home users in Delhi in the near future. One of my relatives is a senior exec in infocomm and he confirmed that broadband is relatively low priority for them as of now.
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