SAM changed again (Delhi)

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interesting to note that easysify is using a different sam ip than the ones you mention here.[/b]

Which SAM IP does EasySify use?
I've seen various posts (mostly centering on sharing files and DC++ hubs) which say having the same SAM server is crucial to being able to share files with others directly via the LAN.

This morning I tried logging into Sify using a different SAM server.
SuperSify prints out the URL you use to Login - the IP part of the URL is your SAM server. (At least that's the case with me)

I was thinking of adding a switch (boy, do we have many of them now) to SuperSify which allowed you to specify the SAM IP or the entire login URL you want to use for logging in. This would override the default IP sent to you by the central Sify server. Unfortunately, I wasn't able to log in using any other SAM server but my own. Are you guys sure you manged to log in using other SAM servers? I'm guessing the SAM server could be retrieved based on the IP you supply while requesting further information from the Sify server.
I even tried SAM servers where only the last octet differed. No go.

Finally, has anyone got something conclusive to say on how
1) You can share files with sify users all across our country?
2) You can share files with other users on the same subnet?
3) You can share files with other users using the same SAM server?

Remember, I'm talking about sharing across the LAN - not Internet & I'm aware that some of this is downright impossible.

So, if you think you know something about this - please write an article or something with your thoughts.

Yes, it must be that we get an appropriate SAM server IP from the XML server based on our internal IP of the form 10.x.x.x we supply.But we can't just arbitrarily change our internal IP because we won't be allowed to go beyond our respective gateaways and Sify routers will block us even if we hypothesise being able to go beyond the gateway. To be able to get beyond our respective gateways we can at best @$$ume an internal IP of the form 10.A.B.x where the gateway has an IP 10.A.B.1, where A and B are some constant octets and x is a variable octet.Then it seems that the Sify routers which route us to our SAM servers are configured to route packets having the Source Address of a particular range, usually 10.A.x.x. But with the prescence of more than one SAM server for a 10.A.x.x range of addresses, it looks like this range is further spliitted into mutually isolated IP ranges. For eg. a set of routers allowed to route IPs of the range 10.13.151-161.x will block IPs of the range 10.13.161-171.x. And each of these mutually isolated IP ranges will have a specific SAM server for themselves.That's why we are able to contact other Sify users having the same SAM as us. Some members here have said they are able to do it though I have to yet to personally try it.So it's really pointless trying to log-in to another SAM server because we are locked down to our own SAM server by various network mechanisms I guess.I am able to login to both and, two different SAM servers. This might be a result of some Sify network configurations that work for me, on the lines of the things stated above. About Sharing Files:-I believe in and it's been corroborated by some members here too, the following:-1) You can share files with Sify users all across the country but you'd have to log in for that and the speed would be no different from sharing files with someone in the US.2) You can very easily share files with someone on the same subnet as you. You'd get very high speeds since all you are doing is sharing files across a LAN. And you obviously don't have to log-in for this.3) You should be able to share files with someone on the same SAM as you. The speed won't be as god as sharing on a LAN, but it would be a nice speed without any limits.
EDIT : No now i am not able to access anything on other ranges now :(.
power, other ranges meaning?

Darn I was about to reply to infernalproteus but you did it first...I'd just like to mention I get 16KBps transferring to IP's like 10.same.*.* what do you guys get?
:Pcool @you getting 16 kBps trying that. What do you get when downloading something from the internet? :)
