Sify Broadband IRC Block Port 6667

  • Thread starter Thread starter Tushar
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  • Replies Replies 20
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Proxyjudege results # REMOTE_HOST

    REMOTE_HOST includes only one number, it's dubious.

# HTTP Env. Value

    Via a Proxy
    Dubious valuable is detected.

# AnonyLevel : 3
How do I know if I'm behind a squid proxy, and how does that matter I thought squid was basically used for cacheing.
Yes Sify does use squid proxy, we got to know sometime back when they were having trouble with it and sify users were getting squid proxy error messages white trying to open sites (all ISPs in India use proxy to save bandwidth).I think squid lies on top of a firewall and services like IRC, NNTP etc. are blocked at the firewall.
what the heck???why r they trying to police what we do with our internet???damn it!!! :angry:
Originally posted by Tushar@Jul 4 2005, 12:42 AM
Yes, indeed they haven't just blocked my one port they have blocked the whole damn irc protocol, using some software similar to that used by the Canadian ISP to throttle BT Traffic. I have sent them an email regarding the same, but if you could please post your conversation I could get some  idead on how to tackle these morons
They were quite helpful actually. I got transferred from one guy to another to their actual technical staff. They didn't know what irc was and tried to type into interet explorer in that form. So I told them to get Opera and type irc://, after a while they called back saying that it wasn't working. I asked what version they had and they replied with a number which I knew wasn't able able to handle irc. I told them to get the latest version, I think it was the first Opera able to handle irc, they couldn't find it after I gave them the version number so I had to give them them the download link. After that and repeating that they had to type irc:// not which would have taken them to then they went of doing something for a while and then they called me back to try again and it worked. So they may not know about irc and stuff but at least they know their own systems.
so u got them on the opera irc? excellent. :P maybe u should take them to this forum.
did sify listen to you?? and your work was solved?? amazing!! i could not beleive what i was reading.! :o . We should invite all those sify techies to this forum so that they know what is the latest development in sify! :unsure:

Wow AnandThey were that much helpful to youYour's must be the first case when they actually transferred u to some technical personFOr me they always say sir this is your complain number. Out agent will revert back to you shortly.You go and check the status of the case after 2 days and find the case has been closed with status resolved, but where is the solutionAnd they know there systems. I dont think so. They will always check for any error from inside their network, where hopefully everything works. If things work from inside their network then they dont believe that there is a problem.
Maybe we need to insist to let us through to their tech team always.
why e-mail??call them up and ask them to transfer the call to the FLOOR INCHARGEthen shout at him/her......within 15 min u will get a call from tech team....Explain the problem(as anand did) and tell them how to solve it( as anand did)
