speed diff when line is split

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hi members the connection in my home is split and i think the adsl splitter will be put after the split no other option so whats the difference in speed due to this
Wht exactly u mean by "connection is split"? Is it, tht u r having parallel telephone connection in ur house, using 2 or more instruments?If this is the case, u only need to attach the splitter on the line from where u want the DSL connection. However, please make sure that there should be no parallel connection(s) in the same room (where u r using DSL; can have in other rooms). However, if you also want the telephone connection in the same room, take tht thru the "Phone" socket of the splitter.Let me explain, there are three sockets in the splitter:1. Line.2. DSL.3. Phone.Line & DSL sockets are on the same side and Phone is on the other side.Line: In this socket ur telephone cable is inserted from the phone jack.DSL: In this socket, insert the DSL cable and other end goes to the DSL modem.Phone: Insert the telephone instrument cable in it. If you want a DSL and telephone connection in the same room.This way it won't affect the speed of ur DSL connection. Plus there will be no disturbance in ur phone line.Hope it helps !!!! :)
Originally posted by bad_till_bones@Sep 2 2005, 11:54 AM
Wht exactly u mean by "connection is split"?  Is it, tht u r having parallel telephone connection in ur house, using 2 or more instruments?

If this is the case, u only need to attach the splitter on the line from where u want the DSL connection.  However, please make sure that there should be no parallel connection(s) in the same room (where u r using DSL; can have in other rooms). 

However, if you also want the telephone connection in the same room, take tht thru the "Phone" socket of the splitter.

Let me explain, there are three sockets in the splitter:

1. Line.
2. DSL.
3. Phone.

Line & DSL sockets are on the same side and Phone is on the other side.

Line: In this socket ur telephone cable is inserted from the phone jack.

DSL: In this socket, insert the DSL cable and other end goes to the DSL modem.

Phone: Insert the telephone instrument cable in it.  If you want a DSL and telephone connection in the same room.

This way it won't affect the speed of ur DSL connection.  Plus there will be no disturbance in ur phone line.

Hope it helps !!!!    :)

well i just booked a connection yesterday no idea when they will come to install just as u said i have parellel conn.. but now got the idea how to get it installed thanks a lot
I am not sure this solution will work. You are wanting to install the splitter in the room where your PC is located and take a phone connection from it as well. This means that outside the room you have a phone connection which does not see the splitter. My experience is that you will get interferance and poor speeds / bandwidth. The splitter MUST be the first thing that the phone line entering the home must see. You can have any number of parallel phone lines after the splitter. The DSL line must go directly to the PC from the splitter, even if it is thirty feet long and must not have a phone on it. This will give higher bandwidth than the method suggested to you. The connections must be clean and leave no open ends please. You will have peace on the technical front for a year till the rains when you will have to 'clean' up the joints again. Best wishes.
Dear snpexim, wht ur saying is according to the conventional DSL connection, in which the splitter is mandatory. The equipment tht MTNL provides acts more like as a Filter. Tht is only used to reduce the noise in our telephone line, while the DSL is also working. So, it is advised to setup the connection the way tht I listed earlier. Mate, the setup tht ur talking abt. works in US where the splitter thing is necessary, coz. there, the splitter gets connected to the telephone line outside there home (origin point). N moreover, at my home I am also getting the Internet connection the way tht I listed earlier. I do hve parallel connections, but the so called splitter is only attached to the line from which I need DSL. N yes, I am getting the optimum speed.Hope I made myself clear :)
does that "optimum" means maximum???

The speed I am really concerned abt. is the download speed tht I get while downloading some applications. I usually get 27 kbps - 28 kbps during a normal download n while using DAP or sum other download accelerator it shoots up to 30 kbps or more, consistently.And in an ideal scenario for a 256kbps plan the max d/l speed tht u can attain is: 32kbps i.e. 256kbps/8.N its optimum performance according to me or u can say I am well satisfied with it. :)
