The disparity between Jio 4G's real-world speeds and their speeds


There was a time when almost everyone including me thought megapixel was the calculation of how good a camera was in terms of better picture quality. That was the time when digital Cameras and phone cameras (the old Nokia days still) had starting coming out around 10-15 years ago. And it was true to an extent in those days as digital camera and phone manufacturers concentrated on quality in almost all of them. The cheap Chinese stuff had not entered the market then.

With time, every tom, dick and harry manufacturer started to produce anything like 13-20 MP cameras with shit picture quality. This was when people realized that MP is not that important but aperture, lens quality and other factors mattered a lot.

In the broadband or internet connectivity world, we had always relied on or any other broadband speed test to know how good the connection is. But Jio 4G seems to be breaking the myth. I am not sure how but their speeds are awesome all the time.

Check this test I did right now:


Looks great. Right? I must be getting some super fast connection with awesome speeds?

No. Definitely not. It took 3 minutes to open up the website and application fully (over 1 minute to just open up the website and the Adsense ads on that page).

So, the relationship between result and actual browsing speeds has not matched at all in case of Jio 4G lately. I am not complaining as it is part of preview offer but this is just making me question the idea of results now. This has never happened in the past. In case of Jio, the real-world speeds to most websites are completely different from the or Netveolocity speeds. Even my 1Mbps BSNL connection (which I kept as a backup after purchasing LYF/Jio) gives far better real world speeds compared to this 16 Mbps Jio 4G connection.

Can someone explain the logic behind this and why the speedtest results are so high but real world performance so slow? Am I the only one facing this issues or are other members also facing this issue? The Jio 4G connection behaves like a Dial Up connection nowadays but the speedtest results are still showing great speeds. Is there something going on to manipulate the speedtest results or can there be some other reason? And has anyone found a solution on how to bypass this super slow real-world speeds from Jio 4G nowadays?
Use a VPN and quit whining.
I've noticed the same in case of Jio.

In case of Jio, Netvelocity gives me super speed results whereas Speedtest gives me poor results.

In case of BSNL, results on both Netvelocity & Speedtest is on the same level.
SiVell Do you mean VPN would bypass the slow speeds? I have not tried much VPN but I will need to use if that is the case. Which country locations do you recommend using in VPN? I have PureVPN.

BTW, I am not the only one saying about the speedtest and real world performance disparities. I just saw a post in another thread (posted after me) where Efan mentioned that now gives 30 mbps, but websites hardly open. So, I am not the only person facing this issue it seems.
If you could read other threads,you might've found that VPN has helped so many people with poor speeds.
Thank you. That trick worked. It is now opening websites almost as fast as BSNL 1 Mbps connection if not faster. And the results have suddenly increased too (not sure that matters anyways). It loaded fully within 15 seconds or so like BSNL (a lot better compared to the 3 minutes it took before the VPN). And the speedtest results showed 50+ Mbps even on a US server (I used US location in VPN). Thanks again. This is finally usable and hopefully a bit stable.

So, is the slow browsers directly due to DNS or something else? Can the speeds increase without VPN too if DNS is changed? And is it possible to change DNS (maybe shift to Google or OpenDNS) in Jio?

Sure. I will try to find some way to change DNS too. One more interesting observation. When I am trying to connect to the VPN using BSNL, it is getting connected within 3 seconds flat (PureVPN is regarded as the top 2 in the VPN industry) while it is taking around 30 seconds or more in Jio to connect to VPN. Does not matter much as I would need to connect/disconnect only for a few times a day. I would still not enter my bank details or purchase something with a VPN IP. So, I need to use my actual local IPs too for purchases etc. But that is only once or twice a day. Rest I can keep it connected with the VPN. So, no issues. :)
Reason why you are getting bad results is that Jio is capping browsing and streaming speed (Except Youtube ,Google play and their own TV ,music ,Movies, Magazine app). So if you are downloading something or torrent it will be fine (Although Jio is now also capping speed of downloading in some sites and torrent also), but browsing will be like very slow as 2G (although sometimes it'll be back to normal but very randomly and location based).
Second funny thing is they capped the speed of browsing in Youtube but as you click on video to stream it'll stream in full mode (35+Mbps), at least they have to uncap the speed in browsing in youtube as it'll take long time to browse youtube than actually stream:D.
Now They deployed the servers in Speedtest , So speed you're getting in Speedtest dot net app is the speed you obtained using Jio server so Uncspped speed (35+Mbps)
These days I really don't browse using Jio 4G. It is practically useless. I have queued up http downloads in Internet Download Accelerator and let it rip for 4 GB.

If you go to, it is loading the data from servers. But once you choose Jio Mumbai as your speedtest server, the data is flowing directly from Jio's own server in Navi Mumbai. That has no data capping so you get full possible speed.

Once you start downloading something from cdn, level1, cogent, telia sonera, Amazon cloud servers, then you hit the bandwidth cap and the speeds are laughable.

Today I downloaded Firefox 49.0.1 full exe installer at an excruciating speed of 24 kBps. I remembered those crappy days of Net9Online and dialup.

I am not complaining as I very much filled up my hard drives in April-June period when I was getting stable 60-70 Mbps downlink.
