I saw a Tikona flyer in my building promising me 4G internet speed. I paid Rs 2000 for signing up and Rs 500 to the engineer to install the SERVICE. I HAVE NOT ACCESSED THE SERVICE MORE THAN ONCE IN ONE MONTH AND THE SHAMELESS COMPANY KEEPS SENDING ME BILLs. The company is a ghost company as there is no proper contact phone numer on the corporate website nor are the company's other details known. I keep calling and all they tell me is that their back end is ok and that the problem is with me. I have three internet connections but I cannot load the TIKONA home page using either INTERNET CONNECTIONS SO HOW IS IT THAT THEIR BACKEND IS OK?
I have pleaded with all and sundry to return my money as i have got no service but the company is shameless and tells me not possible to do so. Is there remedial action against such companies that defraud consumers in broad day light.I am not the only one a dipstick survey showed that there are four such aggreived consumers in my office.
Haven't we heard this before?
First of all it seems that tikona not at fault but you are being an idiot.
1. Tikona for many months now offers try and pay.
2. If the service didnt work for you why didnt you get it disconnected in the very first month?
3. Loading of tikona website has never been a problem.
4. Tikona backend has nothing to do with their website.
5. If there is problem at customer end then there is an engineer visit (personal experience)
6. If you have service connected you will get bills.
7. The website www.tikona.in has proper customer service numbers displayed and are working.
8. If the numbers are not displayed then how come you called them?
9. You found your office mates commenting on some survey site? LMAO
If internet is not working, why not contact the support team?
If you have a connection you will get a bill, if there is any problem with the connection, get it fixed? huh.