Want to switch from Airtel !

Hey i live in Gurgaon and I'm tired of getting FUPed by Airtel . I need an unlimited plan costing not mare than Rs 800 a month .
1. Stable speed . even 512 kbps UL is good .
2. Least downtime ( airtel gave me no downtime in 4 years , but theirs plans are mindless )
3. Decent ping . I play games like Battlefield 3 and Modern Warfare 3 online . ( Airtel was very stable with pings . Used to see my friends go ping crazy in some servers but not me )
So actually Airtel gives best internet but post FUP speed of 256 kbps is just too low . I need AT least 512 kbps .
So which plan to take . ( was thinking about MTNL Day and night 512KB/2MB combo )
what do you guys think ?
Gurgaon doesn't have mtnl.
Check YOU Broadband & nextra availability. If not, you could get bsnl; but you'd have huge latency issues.
airtel is the best for online gaming. I can attest to that, since I've been playing Battlefield 3 online for a year and half - and pings are the best on airtel only. There is a price you're gonna have to pay for (comparably) better quality than others.
ASG11 said:
airtel is the best for online gaming. I can attest to that, since I've been playing Battlefield 3 online for a year and half - and pings are the best on airtel only. There is a price you're gonna have to pay for (comparably) better quality than others.
Airtel is certainly best for me pingwise as well.
Btw, are there decent servers left in BF3 for people from India? I bought the game but haven't played much the last 1.5 years so don't know the current scenario.

goodburner said:
Airtel is certainly best for me pingwise as well.
Btw, are there decent servers left in BF3 for people from India? I bought the game but haven't played much the last 1.5 years so don't know the current scenario.
I am playing on Playstation 3. So can only talk about that.. and I get the feeling that I am the only PS3 BF3 player from India playing multiplayer - if you know what I mean.. ;)
AFA the game is concerned, it is the best for multiplayer - and you should definitely play it online.
You should get Back to Karkand Expansion pack. You can leave out the rest if you want.. but Back to Karkand is the best out there apart from original maps.
For PC there should be plenty of servers too... considering that PS3 servers are always crowded.
ASG11 said:
I am playing on Playstation 3. So can only talk about that.. and I get the feeling that I am the only PS3 BF3 player from India playing multiplayer - if you know what I mean.. ;)
AFA the game is concerned, it is the best for multiplayer - and you should definitely play it online.
You should get Back to Karkand Expansion pack. You can leave out the rest if you want.. but Back to Karkand is the best out there apart from original maps.
For PC there should be plenty of servers too... considering that PS3 servers are always crowded.
Sucks to be a console user in India. Yes, I play in PC and also have the B2K expansion pack. I have played it quite a bit.
