War between CDs and Floppies

  • Thread starter Thread starter Sushubh
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iMac does not come with one, many PC manufacturers have stopped shipping one. It is no longer the cheapest medium to transfer data but still it exist...A floppy cost 15 bucks a blank CD cost 9 bucks. :o So, when was the last time you used your floppy drive!
A floppy cost 15 bucks a blank CD cost 9 bucks. :o on top of that floppy is non reliable god knows only would it work second time or not.Data of one CD = more then 500 floppy then why should one use floppy.CD writer are pretty cheep now a days.Floppy exist only for the systems where either we dont have CD writers or need to boot the system thats it. What i knowIn my system i have floppy drive but i have pulled out the cable from inside i dont want to use floppy in any case as well dont want anybody to use that on my system.Most of the people who bring floppies, bring the viruses along with them (99% true in my case)Thats my view. B)
U need a CD Drive come Delhi.We both will go to Nehru place and u can get that ..no probs at all.
CDs and Tr*nsv*st*t*s... are nothing but cheap ugly b*tchesFloppies are nice sexy square flat things that fit in ur pocket and in ur palm.I love floppies coz then u can run minix/dos/someOS in ur old pc without harddisks n ugly CD Roms too n then u feel super 1337 n sh*t.. but i liked those really old big floppies almost as big as a normal CD Jewel case. that turned me on like anything... man... i have multiple *rg*sms even thinkin abt it :(

DJ Lucipher i think u are obsessed with the antique things.i am wondring wt u are doing here, posting i am damn sure u would love to print and then distribute your openions instead of writing here in forums.becuase as far as i know thats the way which people in back ages used to share the views. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by Guest@Sep 11 2004, 02:52 AM
DJ Lucipher i think u are obsessed with the antique things.

i am wondring wt u are doing here,

posting i am damn sure u would love to print and then distribute your openions instead of writing here in forums.

becuase as far as i know thats the way which people in back ages used to share the views.


Speaking of antiques man ur --snipped-- was sure damn fine women and Man u are wrong abt printing sh*t ... we had internet sh*t back then too U may still find few refrences n buncha ascii pics of me n ur --snipped--....

those were the fine days...
CDs have got the upper hand today. And 'tis been 2 years since I last actually used a floppy at all (touch-wood, let me not have to need it today, :lol:).
Some things, such as updating firmware etc need floppy drives.Always handy to have a box of floppies and a drive that works.
