Web site Blocked!!

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Check this one of their article.

[h=1]Zone-H banned by some Indian ISPs: some workarounds[/h] 20/07/2011 Written by Kevin Fernandez (Siegfried)
http://6.hidemyass.com/ip-1/encoded/Oi8vd3d3LnpvbmUtaC5vcmcvZmlsZXMvaW1hZ2VzLzIwMTEvTm9GcmVlU3BlZWNoLmdpZg%3D%3DAs some of you prob*a*bly know, Zone-​H has been banned from some indian ISPs fol*low*ing the E2-​labs scan*dals and a law*suit from E2labs and Zaki Qureshey in an indian court, who claimed our doc*u*ments and arti*cles were defam*a*tory (great joke!).
Zone-​H was unable to defend itself as we didn’t receive any noti*fi*ca*tion from the court. What is even fun*nier (scarier?), is that blog​gernews​.net has also been banned… for writ*ing about the case!
Check out their articles:
As you can see from the doc*u*ment they received, the block*ing is directly linked to the same court order:

There is a great arti*cle on the Wall Street Jour*nal about these deci*sions from Indian courts that directly attack free speech:

Any*way this news is for those indian vis*i*tors that can*not con*nect to Zone-​H. You should know that the block is on the DNS of each ISP, this is why some vis*i*tors can visit Zone-​H and some cannot.
There are some workarounds, but first be sure that all Zone-​H domains are banned by your ISP: www​.zone​-​h​.org www​.zone​-​h​.net www​.zone​-​h​.com
The first workaround is to use a dif*fer*ent DNS ser*vice, such as the Google DNS: and

Sec*ond workaround: Use Tor, which also prox*ies DNS requests.

Another workaround is to use another Zone-​H domain, we will try to make var*i*ous DNS entries point*ing to Zone-​H. Just lookup the Zone-​H IP and point a domain to it! An exam*ple of an unof*fi*cial domain: www​.zoneh​.co​.cc.

Other unof*fi*cial domains:

If you cre*ate other unof*fi*cial domains, you can send them to us!

And if you want to read the whole e2labs saga, here’s the full list:
Zone-​H state*ment on secu*rity train*ings offered by E2​-labs​.com
More on the E2-​Labs scam
Answer to E2-lab’s web*site post
E2-​labs, the long last*ing saga
Skele*tons in Hyderabad’s cyber-​closet — PART ONE?
Case study: are tra*di*tional finan*cial fraud schemes applic*a*ble to the Indian IT edu*ca*tional market?
BREAK*ING NEWS: India’s mourn*ing its Cyber Crime Squad members
Skele*tons in Hyderabad’s cyber-​closet — PART TWO
EXCLU*SIVE VIDEO: Zaki Qureshey boast*ing hav*ing helped Kuwait US Embassy to hack Iraqi networks
Crypto mes*sage for E2-​Labs
E2-​labs’ project Ethan dis*sected. Anatomy of a fran*chise pro*posal based on non-​existing partnerships
