Why dont we get internet through fiber optics than getting it on copper wire?

Here's a thought..maintenanceHow easy ie cheap is it to repair copper vs. fibre optic ?Fiber is nice if its underground and in armoured cables not strung across buidlings.
wrong adsl2+ can goto 24mbps on a telephone line .after that you need fiber optics or FOIS.

thats theoratically possible. but just incase u do not know, SNR margins are already giving problems at 2mbps speed. i guess max u wud get stable line is 8mbps on Copper, after that line problems wud start almost for all except for those who are very close to the exchange.

so to get good SNR, fibre is waht wud be require.
It's expensive, initially ,to put optical fiber all over...Even they are "THINKING" to do it at USA!!!!Japan/S Korea/Singapore are one of few nations which have optical fiber everywhere...no wonder they enjoy one of the fastest net in world.
thats theoratically possible. but just incase u do not know SNR margins are already giving problems at 2mbps speed. i guess max u wud get stable line is 8mbps on Copper, after that line problems wud start almost for all except for those who are very close to the exchange.

Translation : you *only* get those 24mbs speeds if you live next to the exchange !!


How many do ?
There is so much of copper in the lines in India someone offered to replace all of with optic fibers free of cost in exchange for the copper.Eventually we will get it but in the meanwhile the ISPs will try to make as much profit from the existing infrastruture. Maybe we can hope some international telecom will enter Indian market hoping to make a big killing and hasten it.
Fiber is expensive,its equipments & peripherals are even more expensive as of now.and let me ask ya ll,what the real need of fiber since speeds are still 256k/2M.Copper still has a lot of headroom.Non standard ADSL2+ can take speeds above 24M.and yeah you need proper cabling and no hacked joints to get proper speeds for longer distances.but within 2km,you get around 20M,which sounds reasonable.Actually,Life of copper still can be extended! using protocols like VDSL,VDSL2 et al,but i doubt if its (or Fios for that matter) going to come here anytime soon...

Why dont u talk about wireless,wifi,evdo,data cards-etcIt is cheaper than fiber optics and copper wires
Why dont u talk about wireless,wifi,evdo,data cards-etc

It is cheaper than fiber optics and copper wires

Maybe because of high latency in satellite or wireless ?
Why dont u talk about wireless,wifi,evdo,data cards-etc

It is cheaper than fiber optics and copper wires

You left out the biggie there which is wimax, currently in use by tata(?) is it.

Evdo, seems like the logical extension given the claim that we currently have 250million mobile users with 8 million added every month.

(Source some article written by some CEO from a mobile co., so figures might be on the higer side ;)
Terrestrial wireless is just not there.Mainly because india still uses older tech (no 3g,hsdpa).These wireless tech often have trouble keeping up with specified throughput (These are much lower than therotical throughput,then other factors like cell site concentration,loads etc) .Another big concern is the back hauls,these wireless services have very poor back hauls.Usually weakest link in the chain.10km and 10Mbps claims of wimax are bogus.Wimax is step towards right direction,but still wimax is not perfect.Maybe something like LTE or wimax evolution will help improve the scenario.
