Why so much affinity to S and F words ?

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Deleted member 10390

I can see many on net can't even speak a line without these words. Do you take it for language of some English movies ? Or copying the European or US way of chatting. What is stopping you from using decent language ? Instead of " it is hot here " people say it is " f*kin hot here ".
Lol.. No harm as long as it's not a personal attack. Its not about copying any style. Some people use f word and some say bc
A lot has to do with the circles you hang out with and the way you interact, it is a habit of people to pick way of chatting, speaking from others that you regularly interact with. And yes, some pick from media as well.
Also @ummeshh - Its obvious that some find it offensive including myself & I guess I will take it for granted that meetdilip does as well, so there is harm in that sense. Myself, in this case try to ignore it, especially when I dont have a choice. For example, if I was running a forum I would totally disallow usage of such words even with ***. But this is not my forum, and as Sushubh will point out that I can stay away if I dont like it. I respect his views and continue and try to ignore such usage that I find here (or elsewhere for that matter , if I can)
If you really try to gather the meaning in mother tounge, I guess it will be more bad than it looks.If we make habit, we use it places which are not meant to be.
I would also like to point out that there is more tolerance towards English bad words compared to Hindi ones.
The region also matters. I stayed in Bangalore for two years and my language was refined (almost no bad words). Then I stayed in Himachal Pradesh for 4 years, M* and B* are very common words there. Some of my friends couldn't complete sentences without ending them with these words. Within two months or so I caught up with them and they were hardcoded in my vocab too :)
So after a few years I went to see a friend in Hyderabad in his hostel. We were dining in the dining room with many others and during the conversation I started using these words. Other people just left without saying anything, they were that much offended. That day I realized that tolerance to foul words differs from region to region. But I still don't understand more tolerance towards English bad words than Hindi ones.

very very very helpful if you are planning to go for toefl and or ielts or better, this help you understand wren and martin with an ease like breeze! must say this is the SHIT, oops i mean the S-Word-paul
Certainly not. It is bad language. Will you say to your in laws "it is fu*kin hot out there" ?
