Windows Media Player 11 Sneak Peek

Dukes Mangola

A pre release build of WMP 11 is available on softpedia.

I've installed it. It seems to open faster on my 128 mb RAM (no glass effects here), compared to ver 10. It does seem like MS have finally created a media player that can compete with winamp when it comes to resource usage. Also it has a better media library, and the search is to die for! Type in the letters, and it narrows down the results as you type!

Yes, there is validation required.

And yes, there is a workaround.
I installed it too. The workaround is damn simple. No cracks or patches required.Its faster and better than the previous version but I don't like the default skin. When I minimize it, it goes to my taskbar cuz I have the WMP toolbar on. Thats where I face a problem. Its all black. I know the colors can be changed but thats the only thing I didnt like bout WMP11.
I am using it too....nothing out of the ordinary....looks good...and will look better with Vista doubt about that
Its all black. I know the colors can be changed but thats the only thing I didnt like bout WMP11.

The default colour scheme has been set keeping vista in mind and not xp. The taskbar in vista is black too.
I don't like WMP 11. I would better stick to WMP 10. :(
