World's expensive mobile phone number - $ 2.75 mn


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World's expensive mobile phone number in Guinness
Friday, 19 September , 2008, 11:54
Last Updated: Friday, 19 September , 2008, 13:41

The sale of world's most expensive mobile phone number has earned a Qatar telecom company a place in the new edition of Guinness Book of World Records.

The phone number 6666666 of Qtel, which was sold for $2.75 million (Qatar Riyal 10 million) to an anonymous buyer in an auction at a charity event last year, will appear in the 2009 edition of the book, it was announced.

The previous record price for a phone number was made in China where the number 8888-8888 sold for $480,000 (Qatar Riyal 1.75 million).
\"Qtel has a long track record of innovative campaigns for the local community and we are very proud to have the mobile number auction commemorated this way,\" Qtel's Executive Director of Group Communications, Adel Al Mutawa, said.

The Guinness Book of World Records is published in more than 100 countries and 25 languages every year and sells more than three million copies annually around the world.
The book contains collections of internationally-recognised records, including human achievements and extremes of the natural world.

i just hope people dont keep trying on this number & pester the person :hysterical:
Rachit u seem to be die hard fan of premium nos, do u have any?
die hard fan?? no no -- what made u think of that?i dont have a premium no. & i dont like mobiles too (i mean for talking)
So for which purpose do u use mobiles?? I mean.. video parlour? C'mon man confess it, Sushubh is not online:;I own a premium no bought some yrs back for 1k, now if I sell it I m getting 5k.
mobile is for reading e-books, listening to songs & sending text messages currentlyhope to get a good phone which can be used to watch movies & surfing the net(even my current phone n6681 can do, but that would just be name sake)
\"Among his other activities, Woz collects phone numbers, and his longtime goal has been to acquire a number with seven matching digits.... After more months of scheming and waiting, he had it: 888-8888. This was his new cell-phone number, and his greatest philonumerical triumph.
The number proved unusable. It received more than a hundred wrong numbers a day. Given that the number is virtually impossible to misdial, this traffic was baffling. More strange still, there was never anybody talking on the other end of the line. Just silence. Or, not silence really, but dead air, sometimes with the sound of a television in the background, or somebody talking softly in English or Spanish, or bizarre gurgling noises. Woz listened intently.
Then, one day, with the phone pressed to his ear, Woz heard a woman say, at a distance, \"Hey, what are you doing with that?\" The receiver was snatched up and slammed down.
Suddenly, it all made sense: the hundreds of calls, the dead air, the gurgling sounds. Babies. They were picking up the receiver and pressing a button at the bottom of the handset. Again and again. It made a noise: \"Beep beep beep beep beep beep beep.\"
The children of America were making their first prank call.
And the person who answered the phone was Woz.\"

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I wud never go for 666666 in india. lolz thats ugly number even for free. Even before entering the thread i knew it must be some arabic, they have been reputed for such crazy stuff in recent years.
LOLZ!:rofl:some of my stupid friends r ready to pay 1000 bucks for stupid nos like ending with 666, 786, 007, etc.
