1 GB on BSNL DataOne Broadband

  • Thread starter Thread starter Somjit
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One GB is 1024 Megabyte or 1073741824 bytes. You can do the following with 1 GB download limit : 1. An average web page is about 50 kilobytes in size - so you could download around 20,000 web pages for 1 gigabyte. 2. An hour of surfing the web would be around 10 megabytes (200 pages) so you could surf non-stop for about 100 hours for 1 gigabyte. 3. An hour of streamed radio would use about 15-20 megabytes. 4. An hour of streamed video uses around 100-150 megabytes. 5. Playing an online game typically uses about 10-15 megabytes per hour. 6. Emails are very small - so 100 emails would be just 1 megabyte - or 100,000 emails for 1 gigabyte! (of course the attachments count extra) 7. A super-high resolution (5-6 megapixel) digital camera JPEG picture or typical MP3 music file is about 2-3 megabytes so you could download 350-500 of these images/music files for 1 gigabyte. Very few users would actually exceed the download limits set.
Not good enough for most of us. This is just a copy and paste from the BSNL website FAQ's
wht the hell ?Did U copy this from BSNL websitehey man( Very few users would actually exceed the download limits set.)1 gbs for 12 hrs in a 256 kb connetionTheir is a lot of things to download 1 gb is nothing
jahan state state mein hum jaise consumer ko baniya jata hai bakra, yeh bharat desh hai mera... yeh bharat desh hai mera... jai hind! pupudada!
seems quite similar to how Sify tried to define usage of a "normal" user...

Originally posted by Somjit@Jul 1 2005, 06:05 AM
One GB is 1024 Megabyte or 1073741824 bytes. You can do the following with 1 GB download limit :

1. An average web page is about 50 kilobytes in size - so you could download around 20,000 web pages for 1 gigabyte.

2. An hour of surfing the web would be around 10 megabytes (200 pages) so you could surf non-stop for about 100 hours for 1 gigabyte.

3. An hour of streamed radio would use about 15-20 megabytes.

4. An hour of streamed video uses around 100-150 megabytes.

5. Playing an online game typically uses about 10-15 megabytes per hour.

6. Emails are very small - so 100 emails would be just 1 megabyte - or 100,000 emails for 1 gigabyte! (of course the attachments count extra)

7. A super-high resolution (5-6 megapixel) digital camera JPEG picture or typical MP3 music file is about 2-3 megabytes so you could download 350-500 of these images/music files for 1 gigabyte.

Very few users would actually exceed the download limits set.

Bravo. You have fully convinced me about the adequacy of the darn 1 GB limit, and now I understand that how silly I had been over this issue.

But, my friend, the follwing things suddenly came to my mind, perhaps I am doing the right thing:
1. Perhaps I don't need to update my antivirus definition periodically. BTW, I use NAV, and my subscription is over and Liveupdate doesn't work anymore. So, every now and then I have to download the 7 MB self extracting updater. I used to do this with Dial-up. But as I have B'Band now, I guess I should stop downloading it!!!
2. Perhaps the widondows update service should be stopped.
3. May be I can do away with the update of my trojan remover database, which btw 1 MB signature, and it updates automatically.
4. I have nVidia AGP card installed. About once in a month, they release a new driver , which is about 40MB or so.
5. May be I should stop updating my other numerous softwares, like Adobe Acrobat Reader which does it all by itself.
6. I am the member of a number of forums, where people posts pictures and flash media on the page itself and the average size of those pages is more than 1 MB. Oh, sorry, I am on broadband now, have to stop visiting those evil pages, gotta visit only those who are 100k or less!!!!
7. May be I don't need to attach those digital photos I took with my SLR for my brother in Florida, which is btw, about 2 Mb each. May be I should burn those on a CD and use snail mail, as I have broadband now. And I am also thinking about leaving mu GMail a/c, why do I need that much space for, my emails are only 10k in size !!!!
8. I am an avid fan of net radio, and they (thank god) webcast those on 56k or less. I used to listen to those when I was on dialup, now I am on broadband, so I guess I don't need 256kbps/512kbps/1MBps speed. May be I should reduce my speed with NetLimiter to say, 80kbps. After all, why do I need that much bandwidth for.
9. Oh, yes, I have also stopped using DC++, eMule, Kazaa and BitTorrent. Those evil things makes me download too much (pirated/immoral) shits. Thank you BSNL for showing me the right way!!!
I just checked the current page size of this forum. It's about 220k !!! I visit at least 20 pages on this forum, for posting or viewing new posts/topics... that makes 20 X 30 days X 220 k...EQUALS...OMG!!! 132 MB!!!! EEEEEEEEEEK!!!!!! I WILL STOP VISITING THIS FORUM!!! CANCEL MY MEMBERSHIP!!!!!!!!!!
i had give u a suggestion. move to opera. and surf in cached mode only.
puja399 well, i for one' owe you a cadbury (sorry am of the old school and cannot handout these `oye bubbly' stuff). 2 reallt gr8 posts. maybe `bsnl' does want you to stop updating your a/v and anti-spyware so that your pc can get infected and in turn infect other unguarded pc's which will allow hijackers to use them as zombies and allow huge amount of data to be uploaded without the users knowledge... anyway.. data=mb's for `bsnl' and they amke the profit at the end of the day... why can't any decent isp come along and relieve us of our woes??? :angry: Pupudada!
