ACT Fibernet Static IP Performance

Does act give out static ip? i called them up a few months back and they said its only for business connections. (SOHO Plans). As a individual consumer primarily for gaming like fifa/cod what should i request from them.?
RedskyITM So I spoke to an engineer and I asked to give me the same configuration as you have for your account. He checked your account and confirmed that you have a "static IP" set up, but he said he doesn't know the plan that you are on, and said that he can check your plan only if he has your registered mobile number (I don't know why) which I obviously don't have. What plan are you on? He said it's possible to do the same configuration for me only if he can confirm that we're both on the same kind of plan.
I'm currently on ACT Lightning:

He's just beating around the bush or being obstinate because he doesn't want to get reprimanded for anything. Giving you a private static IP is well within his power and nothing will happen to him. I hate that Indian mentality but I guess the guy is new.
So I finally got a static internal IP, after days of waiting. The wait was due to me not being available to answer their calls from home at the time they called, and I temporarily gave up on this due to work, but it finally paid off today. :) Thanks for your help, @RedskyITM and others!

I'm currently on ACT Lightning:
Hey there
Signed up on this forum because you were the only person on the entire internet who seemed to have promising results out of this double NAT fiasco with ACT Bangalore.

After a month of haggling with different "technicians" they put me in touch with who knew nothing, I finally got in touch with one who seemed to know that their setup is garbage. In addition to trying to sell me a static public IP again (lol) he did get excited when I mentioned to check your user ID's config.

Sadly, the post is ofc from 4 years ago and the username was not found. I'm hoping because ACT user IDs look like they have changed their format.

Please tell me, if you still have that setup, in some random act of chance, that you can share your account number again?

And another thing: the tech did say he can mac-bind my wifi router, which is just the first step of assigning a PRIVATE static IP.
I told him I will need his help, to fill in the Subnet Mask and Default Gateway. I told him to call me back after he sets it up. But ofc, that never happened, so I don't even know if he did the mac-binding.

But do you have any clue what those two fields should be? I can attempt to fill them out and test it anyway...
That's quite the necro. I dropped ACT shortly after that post which is probably why you couldn't find the account.

The MAC binding for a private static IP is the correct method if they still do the same sort of carrier grade NAT. They will have to give you three things:
  1. The gateway IP
  2. The subnet which is probably just
  3. Your static private IP
Without those it wouldn't work and if he had done the binding then PPPoE wouldn't be working for you so he hasn't done it. From what I've read the past few years they've made it basically impossible to get a call back from an engineer (level 2 tech) so I can imagine how many issues you've had. Good luck man.
