Airtel harassment, scam, invading privacy, airtel bharti sucks, ripoff

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some one who got a problem naming himself when bashing everything in a country on a forum is ! Well get a name and stop telling us what we are .U making a issue reach exaggerating level .Give ur twitter name and tweets here so we can see what they replied .
I watch TV everyday , don't you?You can answer. Why Every educated person or sensible person wants to leave country and get settle down in USA, CANADA, Europe ,Australia, NZ, Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong. This country can be heaven if system and administration improve. I am sure there are many good things here, but nothing keeps them happy, unless corruption , poor administration and handicap legal system changes.Yes there are many who have made corruption as part of life, for them there is no brighter side.I bought this issue just to bring in some changes, which is rather constructive, though I had nothing to loose, but being sensible person I was trying to expose bad elements. So far I have not said anything which is wrong, something which you can prove me wrong? Yes how many kids suffer from mal nutrition and temples are flooded with milk and sweets which goes waste. Do I have to discuss about mythology or science here. Yes I can discuss mythology too, but not on this forum.( eg fake bridges (real one falls down ref: CWG delhi), Fake Vimanas ( real ones are imported from Boeing, Airbus, or bombardier) , fake agni missiles ( real bofors are imported), fake vahanas ( real one comes from Toyota or honda), Animals are sacrificed and at same time Non-violance is preached in same system, I am totally confused. Rest may be on some other forum....If we all fight against corruption, probably some changes can be made, since this company was not questioned they are trying to ripoff customer the way they want, without respecting them, without giving them proper or prompt service, but if you keep raising your voice probably they will stop and improve. I have tried so much , but no one was ready to listen, so I had to vent my anger on web, atleast that will open eyes of concerned one fine day, if not soon.
I watch TV everyday , don't you?

You can answer. Why Every educated person or sensible person wants to leave country and get settle down in USA, CANADA, Europe ,Australia, NZ, Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong.

This country can be heaven if system and administration improve.

I am sure there are many good things here, but nothing keeps them happy, unless corruption , poor administration and handicap legal system changes.

Yes there are many who have made corruption as part of life, for them there is no brighter side.

I bought this issue just to bring in some changes, which is rather constructive, though I had nothing to loose, but being sensible person I was trying to expose bad elements.

So far I have not said anything which is wrong, something which you can prove me wrong? Yes how many kids suffer from mal nutrition and temples are flooded with milk and sweets which goes waste. Do I have to discuss about mythology or science here. Yes I can discuss mythology too, but not on this forum.( eg fake bridges (real one falls down ref: CWG delhi), Fake Vimanas ( real ones are imported from Boeing, Airbus, or bombardier) , fake agni missiles ( real bofors are imported), fake vahanas ( real one comes from Toyota or honda), Animals are sacrificed and at same time Non-violance is preached in same system, I am totally confused. Rest may be on some other forum....

If we all fight against corruption, probably some changes can be made, since this company was not questioned they are trying to ripoff customer the way they want, without respecting them, without giving them proper or prompt service, but if you keep raising your voice probably they will stop and improve. I have tried so much , but no one was ready to listen, so I had to vent my anger on web, atleast that will open eyes of concerned one fine day, if not soon.

Fighting corruption is a good thing which is appreciable, but bashing out the whole country as you are trying to is definitely not the right thing to do. Are you from heaven or what???
No country is perfect as you are trying to superimpose, they too have some or other problems. There are too many problems here but if you think everything is goona change when you wake up the next day that doesn't happen. Improvement is a gradual & continuous process which will keep taking place.

The so called countries you are trying to really priase so much are also at position only with continuous improvement & social changes. You have faced the problem which we have also faced & we are with you in fighting such corruption & harassment, but why do you have problem with the way our society & culture is. Every country has its own culture & past, and its customs & rituals are based on its past. Can you impose the US customs & traditions on CHina or any other islamic countries ??? answer is no!

This country has its positives too, but bashing the whole country just bcoz some low minded people have been creating problem for you, it is not the right way.
I watch TV everyday , don't you?

You can answer. Why Every educated person or sensible person wants to leave country and get settle down in USA, CANADA, Europe ,Australia, NZ, Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong.

This country can be heaven if system and administration improve.

I am sure there are many good things here, but nothing keeps them happy, unless corruption , poor administration and handicap legal system changes.

Yes there are many who have made corruption as part of life, for them there is no brighter side.

I bought this issue just to bring in some changes, which is rather constructive, though I had nothing to loose, but being sensible person I was trying to expose bad elements.

So far I have not said anything which is wrong, something which you can prove me wrong? Yes how many kids suffer from mal nutrition and temples are flooded with milk and sweets which goes waste. Do I have to discuss about mythology or science here. Yes I can discuss mythology too, but not on this forum.( eg fake bridges (real one falls down ref: CWG delhi), Fake Vimanas ( real ones are imported from Boeing, Airbus, or bombardier) , fake agni missiles ( real bofors are imported), fake vahanas ( real one comes from Toyota or honda), Animals are sacrificed and at same time Non-violance is preached in same system, I am totally confused. Rest may be on some other forum....

If we all fight against corruption, probably some changes can be made, since this company was not questioned they are trying to ripoff customer the way they want, without respecting them, without giving them proper or prompt service, but if you keep raising your voice probably they will stop and improve. I have tried so much , but no one was ready to listen, so I had to vent my anger on web, atleast that will open eyes of concerned one fine day, if not soon.

why would you want to be in USA, CANADA, Europe ,Australia, NZ, Thailand, Singapore, Hongkong :rofl: these countries are so fuked right now you have no idea nt to mention the xtremly tight sec. checks nd cams on every corner recording ur every move.....just becz few bunch of ppl have issues the whole world has to suffer becz of them we can save so much if the world stops spending so much on weapons but that wont happen....
I am sry...I think thread was something abt airtel :rofl: into world domination or something btw :D
Well thanks for your inputs, but I am not interested in TV sort of hot discussions here, coz it is not the right forum. However I would love to respond , if you move this discussion to some other suitable forum and invite me. I am not taking back any of my words, and whatever I said it is not just my opinion but it is common sense . Facts are bitter but true. We have no energy to change those facts, unless something really changes at political level here.Right now I am waiting for AIRTEL to wake up and fix their problems. Every country has some mechanism to fix issues, but here in India , I am still wondering if any such thing exists without bribe ?India is number one country when it comes to bribe and kickback amounts are concerned, it is highest in world and I am pretty sure there is not even a single govt office or private office which is not effected by it. This is not the case with other decent countries at this level.
In all the countries I was treated with respect and got all the services in matter of minutes or hours just by producing ID like passport etc. But in this country of bullock carts and 350 million non-historic fake gods ( one mythological god for every 3 persons)-- still normal human being is not treated as human, rather they are treated like animals.( I have stared experiencing this myself LOL) These fake gods takes away tonnes of milk while 100s of thousands of kids die without proper nutrition. Myth is that they will get tonnes more by spending milk on mythological gods. Rest is taken away by police , babus and ministers.

You are totally offtopic. First understand those milks are collected back and given to people and they dont go waste. Stay on topic. If you hate Airtel then scold him and there is no need to talk something not connected with airtel. Where does god come here or milk comes here?

You paid to airtel and you didnt get a connection. Either you ask them for refund which they should give and go to some other provider or if you would like to stay with airtel go any nearby airtel customer care centre and talk directly about your problem.

You are totally offtopic. First understand those milks are collected back and given to people and they dont go waste. Stay on topic. If you hate Airtel then scold him and there is no need to talk something not connected with airtel. Where does god come here or milk comes here?

You paid to airtel and you didnt get a connection. Either you ask them for refund which they should give and go to some other provider or if you would like to stay with airtel go any nearby airtel customer care centre and talk directly about your problem.

Nothing is off topic, it is about the system, corruption and superstitions, which makes all the trouble, including threat to basic human values and need.

Fyi , most of milk in temple goes to sewage pipes which is already polluted. You need to go visit few temples where tonnes of milk is used for bathing (abhishek )gods or deities.
Nothing is off topic, it is about the system, corruption and superstitions, which makes all the trouble, including threat to basic human values and need.

Fyi , most of milk in temple goes to sewage pipes which is already polluted. You need to go visit few temples where tonnes of milk is used for bathing (abhishek )gods or deities.

Those milk are not going to sweage. They are taken as prashad soon after it comes out of idol. If yours was true then there wont be any prashad!

Superstition are not in the countries like China or Dubai or Usa or Vatican? If you see our Idol worship as supersition then what about worshiping done in Vatican or in Mecca? In Vatican also there is idol just its name is different! In Mecca there is one building.

All are stones/buildings with some carvings. Isn't it? They are all built by humans!

The system is simply followed from where british left. The same nonsense is still followed creating more and more problems. That time british created it for their selfish purpose. Politicians are corrupt just like the people. People's ignorance and foolishness are the reason for still keeping these corrupt people in power.

Regarding Airtel believe me they are far better than some others like Aircel or Bsnl. Airtel is greedy for money but atleast sometimes they do hear our voices and solve the complaints.
