Airtel is rolling out IPv6 on their wired broadband services

No, the real reason is the slow but inevitable transitioning to v6 worldwide and the fact there is a shortage of v4 addresses which makes it expensive for ISPs to reserve blocks of IPs. It costs them money and they recover it from the customer in case of static addresses earning extra income to offset the expense.

Slowly phasing out v4 and shifting to CG-NAT v4 + public v6 as Tata Play has done is the way forward as the most cost efficient solution. India is at the forefront of v6 adoption but economics are also at play here with the sheer numbers, at possibly over a billion mobile devices, in the subscriber base of the 3 main mobile service providers requiring IPs. I am not even taking into account IoT and other similar devices.

Only those subscribers that have a need (personal) or a business case (firms) for a static v4 address will apply for one while 99% of subscribers couldn't give a damn if the v4 address is a CG-NAT or not. Except for some tech enthusiasts the public just wants to use the net for YT, streaming videos, OTP programs, social media etc. All they are concerned about is if the internet is "on or off".
Regardless it's still profitable for them, even if it's just a few users who go for static IP, it'll still make them money.

I think Airtel's data center service might also have something to do with it.

I don't think Airtel is going to give up their existing ip blocks.
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It's not profitable bro. Just check the rates for a new IP block from NIR. It's insane companies are even giving an ipv4 at this point. It makes sense because like @igloo said, this isn't being done for profit alone. What they make from charging you won't compensate for issuing a new block. Rather it's a system to simply prevent it's abuse so that only the people who actually need a public IP should apply for one.
IMO, The only reason they have to do this is because their customer base is increasing rather quickly and they don't have IPv4 addresses for everyone.

The blocks they have right now likely doesn't cost them much but acquiring new IPv4 blocks is ridiculously expensive. See, IPv4.Global for recent auctions. /21 - /22 are going for >100k USD.
I don't know how much blocks IRINN has left with them but the calculator on their site definitely seems off heh.
They are showing ~100k INR for a /20 hah

Airtel being an old ISP has much more IP Addresses right?
Yes. That's true. They're an old ISP and renewing the ones they have is a lot cheaper than getting new blocks issued.

That said, as their customer base expands, it's not just the customers who require a Public IP. There's the equipment and all the middle ware which also need IP addresses. Most of them do use internal IPs but there's still a significant use of public IPs for the equipment as they expand. So the squeeze on public IPV4 resources is real and ever increasing.
Guys, do note, v6 does not work with static IPV4. You must have PPPoE v4 connection as that is used to request a v6 address. Checked it twice already and reverted to static. Of course I will experiment more in due course.

In a nutshell with Airtel you either have:
1) A paid static IPv4
2) A PPPoE dynamic public IPv4 (CGNAT in some places) + a dynamic IPv6.

It's your choice.

I am not sure how it is set up in your cities/States. If someone has a 3rd party router and has a static v4 please experiment and let me know. First please ascertain if v6 is rolled out in your area. Remember, in metros/Tier 1 cities they are rolling out in phases. It MAY be experimental so if v6 is shut off don't be disappointed because your connection is perfectly functional with a v4. :D
I got an V6 IP with my static V4 IP, but dont know the V6 IP is static or dynamic…

I got an V6 IP with my static V4 IP, but dont know the V6 IP is static or dynamic…
With Airtel it's a bit difficult to ascertain if this is local, city or even country wide. They're experimenting. That said, I'll try it out too. Thanks for this update though.

Is this on the Airtel provided router or your personal device?
