Any Offerz in MUMBAI


Hey any1 from mumbai do tell me is there any new offer n is sify is reliable than mtnl ...i dont like mtnl it sucxx ...but sill i am using that waitin for good offers frm Sify or hathway wheteva is best havin MTNL triband DSL NU590 .......they r CHOR thats wht i can say abt 'emthere is a lots of JHOL wen i see my TRIBAND USAGE
Heh, no one from Mumbai answered so here's my bit even though I am from Delhi and not Mumbai. Sify sucks! It's the most unreliable ISP by popular opinion. Don't take it. If you're complaining about billing problems with MTNL then be ready to tear out your hair when you take Sify because it's down most of the time. For Sify its outstanding feature is that it stays down 50 % of the time.
^^exzatly,,,, butt...If you wanna know mtnl .. mtnl you are dependent on the lineman and with sify you are dependent on the cto. Lineman and CTO are duffers when it comes to internet.Choice is yours.. find a best solution where there is no middleman in picture.
well Anand, i'd just tell u that give MTNL some time regarding the billing thing...other than the billing part, there's no flaw in their system and in my personal honest opnion, it's the best available ISP for the time being!!!also if there's any problem with ur billing, just go to their head office (wherever that is in Mumbai, it's in Kidwai Bhawan in New Delhi) and i can assure u that ur prob will be solved!!! :)coz they themselves know that their bill is not true :P

Originally posted by Anand_Sharma@Sep 26 2005, 07:07 PM
Hey any1 from mumbai do tell me is there any new offer n is sify is reliable than mtnl ...i dont like mtnl it sucxx ...but sill i am using that waitin for good offers frm Sify or hathway wheteva is best ....
am havin MTNL triband DSL NU590 .......they r CHOR thats wht i can  say abt 'em

there is a lots of JHOL wen i see my TRIBAND USAGE

See the sify plans.. New plans are cheap and cool! :D

For Mumbai.. :rolleyes:
Originally posted by humm@Oct 8 2005, 10:02 PM
New plans are cheap and cool!  :D

