Anyone Freelancing online here? Need some pointers

Beam Fiber
Iam studying Bcom hons and I want to earn money by freelancing. Iam thinking of joining into photoshop or android app development so that I can freelance online and earn some part time money. Many of my friends are of opinion that app development needs C,C++ or C sharp and that I need to learn them first.
So just want to know your suggestions on how to proceed. Iam having holidays currently and this would help me with my free time and also look good on my resume.
If am not wrong, C and C++ are basics when it comes to Android Programming!
Android I think is mostly Java. If you have never programmed before, I am not sure I can suggest you to get directly into Android programming. :
And Java is not something which can be learnt in a month or so.
Iam not saying I will be working for only these 2 months. My college ends at 2 so Iam pretty much free rest of the afternoon.
Iam also thinking photoshop ..but Iam not sure If there's any demand for photoshop artists.
Better to go into affiliate marketing if you want to earn good online.

ok If u need to develop apps on android u need to know Java(core java). If u know it u need to have a ADK(Android Development Kit) where system change, but similar to java. So I think u cannot learn it in a month r so
Here is the tip,
1) Start with C/C++ Basic, do some practise programs (Books or Online whatever you prefer) [Duration 2 months]
2) Learn Basic Java [Duration 2 months]
while doing 1 & 2 you will find many new things that aren't explained well in Books or Online material that you are reading, make note of all such things (Closures, Recursion, Dynamic Programming et. al)
3) Learn advance C/C++ (this is real thing) [Duration 1-2 months depending upon how much you grasped from 1 & 2]. Here most of the CONCEPTS should be clear about programming.
4) Get yourself introduces to HTML/CSS/JavaScript [1 months]
5) Decide which of the following you want to take as initial career step,

[*]Java based stuff (JSP or Android) learn it [Duration 2 months]
[*]Core C/C++ stuff (Graphic C, System Programming etc) [Duration 2 months]
[*]Online Scripting [PHP, Python, Ruby on Rails (choose ONE for a start)] [Duration 2 months]
[/list]6) Till now you don't know what is DBMS, so learn some basic SQL [Duration 2 months]
Now you are industry level programmer with Good skills, Get a Job or do Freelance
7) Learn Node.js & MongoDB or how BigData and what is Cloud Computing [3 months]. Initially you might find these things difficult but as time progresses you would be more clear with CONCEPTS.
8) You know what to do next.
Most important thing over here is CONCEPTS must be clear and practise good number of programs (UNDERSTAND how they actually work).
Hope this helps.
PS: Time-lines given are based on my assumption that you want to Learn something and can spend atleast good 3-4 hours a day for weekdays and as much as possible on Weekends.
I have been doing freelance since my 10th Grade and was earning well in Engineering days. At present I work with Paytm and earn quite decent money.
Okay .first thanks for the detailed replies ..really helped me a lot :)
Second ..Am an commerce student and Iam most probably go do MBA after these 2 years ..So my question is ..Would this freelancing experience mean anything on my resume? And second,
What about photoshop? A friend of mine is an graphic artist in photoshop and he's pretty confident that I would get the hang of photoshop in 2 months or so. How are freelancing opportunities for photoshop artists? Iam not looking for serious freelancing..Just enough work so that I can take care of my expenses instead of depending on my dad i.e around 5~6k per month.
PS: I write for an small telecom blog and earn about 2 k per month which just about covers my fuel expenses.
