Bharat QR is messed up on Domino's India website

great. the card that sc blocked which was used for this transaction has disappeared from sc backend so i cannot even check if it has been refunded. i mean i get it. they are issuing me a new card with a new number. but why remove it from the backend!
I think there is some problem with billdesk gateway and bharat qr code.

Same thing happened when I paid my electricity bills, billdesk site do not update after payment.
yup. this is why i stopped using billdesk to make my sc card payment through my non-sc bank account. switched to neft. i could not even find a helpline number on their website after this fiasco. it's scary how widely they are used across the web and their website is still living in the 90s.

icici added support for upi based payments for credit card bills. i hope more banks starts offering the same.
it will arrive on your unique cc account id, so new or old, it will reflect once the new card get's listen on sc website. atleast it did for me on icici.
