DASAN H660GM-A wifi latency problems

Tamil Nadu
Airtel Black | 200 Mbps
so I got this router along with my connection, and I noticed that the pings shoot up to crazy numbers like 300-350 if the same or some other device is downloading through wifi. Connection doesn't have higher loaded latency, usually it's +5ms at full bandwidth being pulled, it is just the router's wifi acting up, when some other device is downloading (through wifi) . Is there any QoS setting I can change for getting better pings over Wifi under load?

The router is fully stock and locked, and the bands are combined under band steering, if that is relevant. TIA
This is an obvious issue if you have more than 2 devices running at the same time. Just invest in a good router and use Airtel's router in bridge mode. This kind of lags happen due to CPU overload. These cheap routers airtel provide doesn't have MIMO or NAT acceleration to process network traffic.
Thought so, but if I pull full bandwidth in ethernet, I don't have any problems with latency there even on a wifi device.

It's only when a device is fully using the connection in WiFi, other devices face terrible latency.
I have not tried checking latency , but I am facing a similar issue with the same ONT
