Desktop PC Suggestion

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shree 420
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dunno. i do not see any benefit of an aio expect that it saves some space. that's why they are mostly popular in banks etc. laptops have pretty much replaced them in homes. aio pcs are generally cheap imitations of the imac with little to offer in the name of innovation. imac is popular because Apple does not offer any cheap desktop (mac pro are shit expensive).
There has been a Desktop PC in my house since 1991, and till date its only been assembled. But like he mentioned, things like warranty & the fact that if I get a reasonably high end AIO, it should save me the need for any upgrade for another 4-5 years (hopefully), with 3 years in that I can manage on warranty itself.
hah. but what's the advantage over a desktop pc? i mean i love desktops and use one personally. i was on laptop for around 2 years in between but i struggled during that phase with low storage and low performance. and even during that time, i worked on an external display, mouse and keyboard with the laptop working as a CPU. the benefit was just that it lasted for much long on battery power during power cuts. aio are compromise. you compromise on hardware components. you get a shitty display. you get absolutely no ability to change parts to troubleshoot or upgrade or whatever.
Ok. So majority vote is assembled desktop. Also, monitor is ok was replaced 3 years back. mouse, keyboard are also working good. so , mainly cpu needs full replacement. if same 30-35 budget is retained, what is the best config we can get. so that we can delay next upgrade as much as possible.
in 30 to 35 k INR you can easily put together an i5 stock with a good mobo with USB 3.0 support from giga or intel, don't save on mobo, smps, rest of the things you always upgrade, depending on person's usage get a mid end card from AMD something in 6xxx series and you are good to go. invest in a proc, mobo and psu rest is all upgrade able when ever you feel like. btw just an fyi P4 came out in 2003 or -4 :P P2 and 1 are from late 90's , lol i remember my p4 from 04 with 128 mb of ram and 60 gig hdd ,my cell has more power now, processing power has really moved in last 4 or 5 years. another thought these AIO's are bad to horrible, the link on last page an i3 for 45k INR, the person has to be joking esp when you can't upgrade that shit , it's bad take on mac's or rather an insult to them.
actually they may have done some upgrade i think. but the box and all is from late 90s. only whatever part breaksdown they used to change. now only i am telling go for full new as small changes are restrictive because of remaining old parts and compatabilty keeps reducing.bsaically get best motherboard & processor. other things can be best possible. right?thanks all for inputs so far and also for more in advance,
update. after wasting lot of time here and there seems my brother's boss told him he can get laptop from company & pay monthly so he took the easy way out. he told company has placed order for 14" Dell laptop with windows 7. since company is getting him and allowing to pay monthly he did not discuss about brand and deals etc. the desktop will mostly become museum piece i think.anyway thanks for input and hope this thread helps someone else decide.
