Does anyone see Intermittent disconnections ?

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Am not too sure abt that coz i happen to think that the disturbance or faulty wiring shows up in the SNR ratio and line attentuation and doesn't affect the sync rate which is fixed at the exchange level. But maybe muttster is rite and the router just automatically syncs in at a lower rate when the signal is weak.
if it's syncing always at 128 only, then it for sure is set from the exchange only...just check that thing as well...
but the upstream is at 256kbps..chances are disturbances causing lower sync..once i was syncing at 192kbps..and even 128kbps..those times there was lotsa disturbances on the line..anyway no harm in calling them up :) their support is getting better i feel (had called them once that dsl not working..2days later they called asking if its rectified yet) :)
Most modems and routers have the ability to monitor line statistics. Some modems like the SpeedTouch Home, 2Wire, and Cayman have very detailed monitoring while others may only show basic information.Although what is monitored and the exact name may be different depending on manufacturer, the overall information is the same. Below are some of the common terms and measurements used to judge line quality. Remember these are not hard numbers but simply a generalization of line statistics:Attainable Line Rate (AKA Synch Rate)This is the maximum rate at which your modem can connect to the DSLAM if there was no service provisioning limiting the bandwidth. Anything over 2,000Kbps is considered good. The higher the number the better.Used Line RateYour Used ATM Rate (actual service rate) plus bandwidth to cover the overhead and provisioning of the service.Fast Used ATM RateActual bandwidth at which your service has been provisioned. The actual number can vary a little depending how you are physically serviced. If there is a number here that also means your connection is "fastpathed".Interleaved Used ATM RateActual bandwidth at which your service has been provisioned. The actual number can vary a little depending how you are physically serviced. If there is a number here that also means your connection is "interleaved".Relative Capacity (AKA Line Capacity)Percentage of your overall available bandwidth used to obtain your service ATM rate. For example; if your max line synch rate was 5888Kbps and you were provisioned on a 1472Kbps service you would be using 25% capacity. 1472/5888=25% capacity. The lower the relative capacity the better, but you can still get maximum speeds (although a less stable connection) even with a very high relative capacity. In other words you could be synching at 1472Kbps with 98% relative capacity and achieve maximum speeds, but you may experience more disconnects.Noise Margin (AKA Signal to Noise Margin or Signal to Noise Ratio)Relative strength of the DSL signal to Noise ratio. 6dB is the lowest dB manufactures specify for modem to be able to synch. In some instances interleaving can help raise the noise margin to an acceptable level. The higher the number the better for this measurement.Line AttenuationMeasure of how much the signal has degraded between the DSLAM and the modem. Maximum signal loss recommendation is usually about 60dB. The lower the dB the better for this measurement.Output PowerHow much power modem (upstream) or DSLAM (downstream) is using. Maximum recommended is about 15dB. The lower the power the better for this measurement.
Woohoo ! 280 MB downloaded yesterday after switching to LAN conn - thanks CoolBuddy. 12:15 - 8:00. Now this is more like it !!!In the morning however I found that the webpages didn't work. Any url resulted in a search page being opened up. The good news was that the torrent downloaders worked anyway - so no issues. I toggled the power to the router and the webpages were back again. I have a spare LAN Card, that I think will work out perfectly for my HomeLan and Triband together.Yeah the 128 Kbps thing is something that stuck out there for me too. I'm gonna watch for one more day and then get on MTNL's back btw some pretty detailed definitions in the last post - thx for turning on my knowledge bulb
Originally posted by waterloo_sunset@Oct 10 2005, 02:10 AM
i've been keeping awake and have confirmed that since many ppl still don't switch their router on/off at the given time and hence end up with huge bills which they blame on MTNL, they've started disconnecting and reconnecting it for us from their end. Your connection will drop and reconnect within a few secs once between 12:21 and 12:23 am (which starts ur free night usage session) and again at 8:13 am (which is a lil funny coz it's beyond 8 am but it ends ur night usage session if u haven't already done so minimising the damage done to ppl not following instructions). So if u start ur night downloads before 12:23 and go off to sleep ur downloads will be interrupted although most clients resume after it reconnects but some don't.

thanx for replying waterloo. This is an interesting observation but unfortunately is not the prob in my case. Disconnections sometimes occur at 1am, 2am and sometimes even 3am. Again this occurs totally at random. It might happen thrice today and again might happen after a week. So there is no regularity of these disconnections. I havent installed any new software since the prob that might disconnect me. Also, im using the dialer to connect to mntl triband, thru bridged mode since im using a task scheduler. Its not the task scheduler too that can be causing this. Anywayz, its not a permanent thing and ill keep observing so that i can provide more info over here. I hope the session history page on the mtnl account comes back online and it will gimme a clearer picture as to when my conn is disconnected.
Secondly, cud anyone gimme a solution for the not getting greater than 28kbps speed problem, that i mentioned earlier??? This is a bigger concern. I checked many posts on this forum, regarding snr ratio and line attenuation and their normal range values. It seems that the values for my adsl router r normal. Only one thing caught my eye is that many subscribers of dsl nu@256kbps pack have a downstream of 280kbps and upstream of 256kbps. Whereas my down and upstream r both 256kbps. Also i dont know what a splitter looks like. Maybe the phone outlet im talking about is the splitter itself. All i know is one telephone no. is being used by 3 devices : 2 telephones and 1 adsl router. I hope that helps. Thanx for ur help guys.

dude if ur frm mum than there is only one way to increase is changing sync rate @288.But i called mtnl they told that i hav 256 so i"ll get 256 ka sync rate.Here only in some thread people wrote there sync rate n 90% had 256 with 28KBps as max speed actully it is 27.2 that is the avg speed frm http in du meter
Yohu123, u cannot get the downstream sync rate increased to 288 coz that is the rate that is provided on DSL NU connections in DELHI and U are in Mumbai where the normal sync rate is 256 Kbps and ur other sync settings are also normal.As far as the speed that u are getting is concerned, i think that is also normal coz PPPoE connections usually have a loss of abt 16.6 % so ideally ur speed shld be 256-42 = 213 Kbps or 26.6 KBpsAs far as the disconnections are concerned, they cld be due to the interference from additional devices directly connected to the phone line in parallel with splitter. Actually, u first need to split the line using the splitter then connect the additional telephones on the split line coming from it.Splitter is a small plastic box abt 3X2.5 inches in size that has 3 telephone sockets built into it where u can attach ur main line , line from ADSL router and a phone respectively.Hope this addresses some some of ur concerns..
hmm even me faced with disconnections...for me it usally disconnects at around 6:30 am every darn day. and cause i use bit tornado. sometimes it doenst resume.. the problem is that this didnt happen last week when i had unlimited internet.. but now that the servers are back . i duno why it disconnects :( .. i did remove all the other phones in parallel for a couple of days to check .. but the problem still persists. diuno how to solve it :( ...
Abt the disconnections, am in delhi so won't be the same for ppl from mumbai. Even here it started off with disconnections at random times but after a day or so it only disconnects at the times i've mentioned earlier. Been happening for the past week or so.Also it seems to me that u have internal wiring in ur house, but anyway if ur getting 28KBps then it's normal coz ur synced at 288. As a matter of fact even in delhi most ppl get 28 and below.
