Does God Exist?

Originally posted by Cute@Jan 4 2006, 11:55 AM


Consider the process of creation of Human Begin from the tiny drop of

What Could u give better example than this for Existance Of GOD??

Well what about artificial cells then? Scientists are close to production of synthetic cells.

And IF and When they are able to create life artificially (a single cell to begin with), will you believe they (Biotech Engineers) are Gods?
For me, god does not exist. There are many reasons for the same. As for beliefs, people are free to believe whatever they want. I am not concerned with that. It is only when people put those beliefs into practice that problems occur. Throughout history, people have been massacred in the name of religion. And things are no different today (when I speak of religion, I also include the a-religious in that - communists, confirmed atheists all of them, have been responsible for as much bloodshed as any other religion, although not in some fight over religion).

God, to most people, is a supernatural entity concerned with the day-to-day affairs of mankind. The concept itself, according to me, is crazy. Any sufficiently advanced alien civilization (if you do believe in aliens) should be able to handle that with ease. If one says god is supreme, the question to be asked is who created god, coz every object has been created by some other object. That is the beauty of the concept of infinity. Superlatives cannot exist.

The problem with this question, as with most other subjective matters, is that there is no correct answer. If there were, the question would be irrelevant, would it not? Philosophers have struggled with this question for thousands of years. And have not found a satisfactory answer. There have been people like Immanuel Kant who says what we think is real is just our perception and not what is really real (sic) (my interpretation, you are free to have your own). So, do we really have the means to determine the existence of god? There are others who say all this is bullshit and that what we sense is what actually exists.

Although this is a very interesting topic of discussion, it can be debated for eternity without either party being satisfied. Any person desirous of having a serious debate on this matter should be prepared to study many theological and philosophical works in depth. Convincing some one to cross the line, although difficult, is not impossible. A believer might become a non-believer. But it is incredibly difficult to go the other way.

Although this thread is quite old, and the old timers have noted down their opinions on the matter, it would be interesting to see what the newer members have to say on this topic.
it is only when people put those beliefs into practice that problems occur.
i disagree with that.God never differntiates ppl based on their relegion
.It is just that fundemetalist on either side use them to propogate their own personal agenda.
who created god, coz every object has been created by some other object.
and abt remaining tricky questions i will answer them later.
signing off.
quite a few valid questions raised .this should be a good question for debate

"who created god"???
if god is not there we could have life on every planet, as some kindof stone hitting planet and life begins form it, i don't think its that much easy,and so many elements dose exist like water etc, is it so easy that its just a kind of coincidence that happened, and the suffring part we r some where responsible for it,i will give u a example on suffring and poverty , this eg is i think the very cause of poverty and suffring all over the world, its eg how poor become more poor, its a very serious, happening around and near youbut u will never know it even u know it u cannot change, only one think that can change is a proper dictatorship , democracy cannot help hear,eg, lets say in city there is a certain business run by 1000 various types of people, now one man comes forcibly and captures all the business run by 999 people,this one person will enjoy so much profit which would have been then divided by 999 people,so naturally with so much profit he will invest his money in other business, which would eventually bring less profits to other people,so the left 999 people will try to find different job or profession, now add growing population and corruption, to this vicious circle, and u will see the poor getting poor,that is because there is no proper balance of money in society, and how can we say that there is no god, when every thing is done by man alone, i think that if there r 50% bad people in world there r 50% good people on whom the world is dependent or else when the figure declines the dooms day is not far.
No use really debating on this topic as the discussion will be endless. Let people stay alive and die so with their own beliefs or prove otherwise with highly concrete examples(which, again is impossible). Until then, I do believe in God and whoever doesn't, I completely understand their reasons not to and, moreover, respect their opinion. :D

"who created god?"

I swear on God, I didn't do it. :P
there can not be any conclusive answer to this question .The puzzle is similar to who came first "chicken or egg".
it is faith that drives me to god .when i feel lonely or down i converse with god .it lifts me up.
What come before one? Nothing(zero) becoz everything start from one. So who created god? ....... No one Becoz everything starts from god.:yahoo:
