Encrypting A Video File

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Nivyah 1Mbps Unlimited
well guyz i hav one peculiar question n i hope that any of u will knw how to do this:the prob is that i am an OP in my lan dc++ hub...... ppl as usual dont share new stuff..... they simply come downlod all new stuff i downlod from net n go.......... banning them for a week or so doesnt help coz they come after changin the ips n nicks...i downlod lots of legit video files from net n hav to keep them on sharin coz i hav a 40gb hdd n most of my stuff is on DVDs......i dont want to share these videos with the ppl but @ the same time i hav to share sumthing gud (coz i am an OP :( :( )so is there any way of password protecting a video file or to integrate a license into it but the file can be accessed by providing the correct license??????? plz help me out guyz :( :( if i can integrate a license into the video can i give the license to the ppl to whom i wanna share the files??? thnx in advance.....
You could RAR the files and password protect them I guess... I'm not sure thats the answer you were looking for, though.
well guyz i hav one peculiar question n i hope that any of u will knw how to do this:

the prob is that i am an OP in my lan dc++ hub...... ppl as usual dont share new stuff..... they simply come downlod all new stuff i downlod from net n go.......... banning them for a week or so doesnt help coz they come after changin the ips n nicks...

i downlod lots of legit video files from net n hav to keep them on sharin coz i hav a 40gb hdd n most of my stuff is on DVDs......
i dont want to share these videos with the ppl but @ the same time i hav to share sumthing gud (coz i am an OP :( :( )
so is there any way of password protecting a video file or to integrate a license into it but the file can be accessed by providing the correct license??????? plz help me out guyz :( :(
if i can integrate a license into the video can i give the license to the ppl to whom i wanna share the files???
thnx in advance.....
there is a way. rather 2 ways pgp and rsa. encrypt the file with a secret passphrase and also make one public and one private. give the public to all, and share the public key with me only ;-):P
if you forget the passphrase its extremely difficult, you may have to use a tool called "nasty" to crack it, and only weak RSA and PGP and blowfish and des-56 are crackable, high end ones are just forget it, download again and encrypt.
you may also include watermarks like to mention this is your files. but i doubt if you can/may have a DRM that will req legal procedure and hassles.
google + RSA
google + pgp
google + watermark
since you are an op, no direct link!
How about using file/folder share permissions? Not sure if you're using a third party software or ftp to share your files, but assigning permissions is something you could try.For example, everyone could be allowed to browse your directories and have a look at your collection. Or maybe just let them browse a text file with the list, and not the actual videos. If they're tempted to download, they would need to upload some significant stuff themselves and also get your approval. Then assign a username/password for those individuals. Too much hassle, but sharing copyrighted videos is illegal. You may want to be sure that you are sharing it with people you can trust.There are some ftp sites that have something like this set up. No upload requirements or sharing illegal stuff. Just live recordings, rare non-copyrighted material and all. But you need to contact the admin first.
