Fedora Core5 - RELEASED!

  • Thread starter Thread starter prathapml
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I am downloading it .!!Using FC4 now.Lets see how it is..
fedora is a bloat .. Ita good for use as servers and all but too much a for a home user .

Minimum RAM for text-mode: 128MiB
Minimum RAM for graphical: 192MiB
Recommended for graphical: 256MiB  [/b]
Originally posted by prathapml@Mar 21 2006, 11:09 PM
Haha, 256 MB is too much?

no for graphics it may not be too much but 128 mb for text mode is way toooooooooo much . there are distros which run great in graphics even at 128 mb ram !! If you really want speed and stability try slackware or vector linux ( slack derivative ) it can work great even at 64mb ram and with xfce desktop running .
And try fedora on 256 mb ram but still it will run slow with kde .. its a good distro if you have 15-20 gb hd space .. good graphic card and a nice cpu and loads of ram .. But on same machine slackware will outperform it for sure :)

Originally posted by uthfull@Mar 21 2006, 11:33 PM
I tried FC4... but somehow I found SUSE 10 better.[snapback]45336[/snapback]
[/quote]Like I already said, the fedora you saw till now, sucked. This release is massively improved.

Did you understand the meaning of what they've put up? They mean to say 128 MB needed for text-mode SETUP!!!!!!! And thats coz it needs to load the install base-flat into memory when it starts - which is fine, as fedora/redhat supports quite a bit of scenarios that other distros don't.

I'm running a RAID5*3 + LVM setup on the server at my work - distros like slackware/ubuntu/gentoo/damn-small-linux, would not quite be able to handle that, and those that do, wont be as easy to manage. Do you remember my outburst here a few months ago, about ubuntu's lack of source/compiling? - LINK

Once installed, core5 can run very well in text-mode with just 16 MB of memory, or even less. So your (distorted) point is? :blink:
does it allow u to select sata drives to install to? fedora 4 doesnt...

  fedora is a bloat .. Ita good for use as servers and all but too much a for a home user . [/b]

shouldnt it be the other way arnd? i mean bloat good for home users and not good for servers :P

i installed fedora core 4 from the digit dvd and it screwed up the fstab file had to manually edit.. and then i downloaded it from the internet and that worked fine :rolleyes:
