Fedora Core5 - RELEASED!

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thats why i said in my above post it is good to be used on servers but its bloated for home users .

I'm running a RAID5*3 + LVM setup on the server at my work - distros like slackware/ubuntu/gentoo/damn-small-linux, would not quite be able to handle that, and those that do, wont be as easy to manage. Do you remember my outburst here a few months ago, about ubuntu's lack of source/compiling? - LINK[/b]

this condition u stated above isnt common for home users ..

Did you understand the meaning of what they've put up? They mean to say 128 MB needed for text-mode SETUP!!!!!!! [/b]

ok i was wrong abt that i thought its minimum requirements for running fedora .. But still it would run slow in graphical mode if you have less than 256 mb ram :=/
I agree to that one.Fedora actually runs a tad slow on 256MB ram. It performs better after you turn off the much unneeded services and daemons. But even SUSE10 which I tried ran slow with 256MB Ram. Only Ubuntu runs at perfectly acceptable speed on 256MB ram. But thats with gnome.So my guess is that the slowness in due to KDE and not the distro as such. , coz I ran Kubuntu 5.10 and that too was slow even compared to the ubuntu live cd.So , if you want all the eye candy and convenience of KDE , then go for more RAM, else on a 'garib' system use GNOME.Recently I upgraded to 768 MB ram , so no issues here now at all.:-)BTW even XP is bloated if we consider soem views presented here, as it refuses to run smooth on a system with less than 256MB ram ,and so would be Vista.
trye xfce4 desktop its very nice mid weight desktop ... Besides that kde runs perfectly on some distros at 128 mb ram too ( vectorlinux is example ) but on some it runs slow even at 256 ram :( . I also do not like ubuntu ( personal reasons :D ) .. So i use vectorlinux with kde and xfce4 and that runs fastest for me . If you want really fast distro i recommend vectorlinux soho 5.1 it runs really nice ( once you get it working with your hardware ) and also its boot time is much much less too , you can use all slackware packages on it without any prob ( or configure make makeinstall routine ;) )
I'm runnng it now dude, with a maxtor NCQ SATA HDD.And every bit of the rest of my hardware got detected perfectly too!
Running FC5 now....Works like a charm.Got net and all multimedia (including all video codecs too) working in just under an hour after install.PS: turned off SElinux as it wont let me mount my fat32 partitions in my home directory!( too much security!!)And also the installed verson of system-config-httpd has a small bug in it, patch available on redhat bugzilla , resolved in seconds. Just these 2 problems I faced.

i downloaded and installed fedora 5. question is about sifyclient-official version .i had to install it under suand it works only if i am su.will it work as a user? SElinux -- it also stops ntfs partition from loading?
fc5 does not support ntfs file system officially while mounting ntfs partition!
