Google AMP: Accelerated Mobile Pages

Food for thought about using Google amp. Google are removing urls entirely from the search results
Thos is all about AMP and how Google wants to merge it into many Internet functions. AMP, in email, for example, means emails are no longer static things. They can go away, after you fetch them.
AMP pages are served through Google too, and many users dislike them. No URL helps hide these things and force a visit to the page.
This is a purely anti-user move.

No user gains anything by it, this actually helps phishing sites. Oh, and it happens to help Google's AMP effort, which can now pretend to be the original site even more effectively. Time to get everyone to use Duck Duck Go, and to get rid of those Google CAPTCHAs which are an even bigger data harvesting operation than search.

I read a post on how Google wants to monopolize publishing industry using AMP. AMP urls are hosted at Google servers. Using AMP means job of indexing pages becomes easy peasy for Google. And publishers are getting little or no benefits from it. And now they can't backout of it since Google promised publishers using AMP that they will be promoted better.

Ideally using a responsive design should be enough. But specifying a modified HTML version so that Google's job becomes easy is a dick move.
