Hack Your Sify Broadband Password!?


STOP! your imagination. :P

what is the length of your sifybroadband ? the answer must be between 6-8. that is because sify does not allow you to have a p@$$word greater than 8 char length and no special chars and alpha-numers are now allowed. but "mircrosoft"(i hate microsoft, bill gates, windows) recommends you to have p@$$word atleat 8 char of length with alpha-numers and special chars on it

do you know the lenght my p@$$word? 10 char long. :) .surprising! B) :P
what did is ,i acutllya hack(change) the page$$.php3 to fit for my need.

you can also secure your p@$$word. :)

here is the code save this as html.open in the browser and chenage the p@$$word.

Change P@$$word

var blockedReferrer = 'blockedReferrer';
// Popup Blocker -->
function NS_NullWindow(){this.window;}
function nullDoc() {
   this.open = NS_NullWindow;
   this.write = NS_NullWindow;
   this.close = NS_NullWindow;
function NS_NewOpen(url,nam,atr){
if((nam!='' && nam==window.name) || nam=='_top'){
obj=new NS_NullWindow();
obj.focus = NS_NullWindow;
obj.blur = NS_NullWindow;
obj.opener = this.window;
obj.document = new nullDoc();
function NS_NullWindow2(){this.window;}
function NS_NewOpen2(url,nam,atr){
if((nam!='' && nam==window.name) || nam=='_top'){
    return(new NS_NullWindow2());
function op_stop() { NS_ActualOpen2=window.open; window.open=NS_NewOpen2; }
function op_start() { window.open=NS_ActualOpen2; }
function noopen_load() {
    op_stop(); if(zl_orig_onload) zl_orig_onload(); op_start();
function noopen_unload() { op_stop(); if(zl_orig_onunload) zl_orig_onunload(); op_start(); }
function postamble() {

  if(!RanPostamble) {
zl_orig_onload = window.onload;
zl_orig_onunload = window.onunload;
document.ignore = new Object();

  Change P@$$word

This only allows you to change your p@$$word. You will be allowed

change the p@$$word if your old p@$$word matches

   User ID
   Enter Old P@$$word
   Enter New P@$$word
   Confirm New P@$$word

   [size=\"1\"]Note: P@$$word should be 6-12
   characters, may contain alphabets and numbers, Spaces are not allowed[/size]


Besides, be it 8 or 10 chars... anyone on the network can see the p@$$word anyway since it's transmitted in plain text ! So if someone wanted to hack your p@$$word, I don't think they'd use brute-force where a longer p@$$word might be of some use.
Originally posted by Sushubh@Nov 26 2004, 06:33 AM
network packet @n@1yzer. that s*cks. :(

Why ?
It's a required tool to designing networking programs and in our case to check security. Sure, crackers can use it to find p@$$words, but one shouldn't blame it on the tool, but the user.
Besides, if they didn't exist, we wouldn't know sify has this terrible lack of security, sending p@$$words in plain-text over semi-public LANs - not that other protocols don't do the same... ftp, pop3 etc...
the comment was in reference to sify's insecure mode of p@$$ing on the p@$$word... :|

Originally posted by Sushubh@Nov 26 2004, 06:52 AM
the comment was in reference to sify's insecure mode of p@$$ing on the p@$$word... :|

sorrry, missunderstood that :huh:
I don't think there's any use of a longer p@$$word for sify. It can be hacked anyways.
fullyaddicted, nice hack, very impressive ;) even though it can't achieve its potential because the communication protocols are inherently insecure. But nice piece of creativity.
