How Tikona Cheats its customers

  • Thread starter Thread starter Shanker Kr
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Shanker Kr

I have a 4Mbps unlimited connection from Tikona. The fair usage policy states that till 80GB usage, I am supposed to get a speed of 4MbpsMy billing cycle starts on the 26th of every month. I periodically check my usage using the tool they provide on their self care portalOn the 24th of this month, I noticed that my speed had drastically dropped to 1000Kbps.I spoke with an agent called Saili who did all the logical troubleshooting steps and confirmed that there was no issue either with their network or with my rooftop device. Then she found out that my connection had been moved to secondary usage since I had used my 80Gb allocation. Their tool told me that I had used approximately 72GB and not 80GB. When I insisted on speaking with a senior person, she made Omar call meI spoke with Omar at 9:30 AM on the 24th morning. After spending 5 to 10 minutes in explaining how the policy works, he admitted that there was a mistake from their side. He confirmed that the usage reported by their site was corrected. He offered to get it corrected
On the 25th morning at 1AM I found that the connection was still very slow - the same 600Kbps range. I called their care number and spoke with their agent Rahul. This guy was sharp to point out quickly that my connection was in the secondary stage. He also confirmed that no corrective action was taken after I spoke with Omar almost 15 hours earlier. He offered to get it rectified in 24 hours. I knew that this was meaningless since my billing cycle would start within that time and I would get my 4Mbps connection.
I wanted to speak with his manager and got the standard reply - no manager on floor. All seniors are busy. He offered to get some one call me
I was pissed off and mailed Prakash Bajpai - their chairman
"Mr. Prakash
Since the 24th morning, I noticed that my network connection was very slow - averaging around 600 to 700Kbps.
After the regular troubleshooting like disconnecting / reconnecting the POE, clearing cookies, clearing browsing history, safe mode with networking, etal, I spoke with an agent of yours in the morning
a) At 9AM - 24th Jan - I had a max download speed of 1008 Kbps, upload of 486 Kbps, ping latency of 18 ms and absolutely no packet loss. I spoke with a lady called Saili. After placing me on hold a number of times she came to tell me that my connection was switched to a secondary status since I had crossed my fair usage policy. She had to place me on hold two more times to 1) tell me what plan I was on and 2) to tell me my fair usage policy of 80GB. Since she did not know what she was talking about I asked her to get me her senior B) Umar called me at 9:30AM. He took a long time to explain how the fair usage policy works and ultimately accepted that I had not crossed the 80GB mark - according to him and your tools, I had used 72GB between 18:30 hrs on the 25th of December and the 23rd of January. He said that he would get the issue rectified immediatelyc) This morning at 1:25 I called Rahul since I was getting a speed of 696Kbps with a latency of 23ms and no packet loss. He probably went through the previous case notes since he was quick to point out that I had crossed the fair usage policy. When I questioned him, he also placed me on hold twice before coming back to confirm that I had not crossed the 80GB mark. He said that it takes 24 hours to rectify a mistake that your systems created.d) I have attached 2 Excel sheets generated by your tool that allows me to download session history details.e) The table that I have attached, clearly says that the plan was switched to 4096Kbps secondary at 00:44 hrs on the 24th even without me crossing the 80GB mark
I want some one from your office to call me latest by 9:30AM this morning ( 24 hours since I spoke with Umar ) to explain why this mistake was created, why it was not rectified even 16 hours after bringing it to your notice, what you propose to do with your L2 who was not able to keep his commitment and how you plan to compensate the user
Because of this speed issue, my daughter had to request her friend use a non-Tikona connection at her house and record a video lecture that she needed for her exams next week
For your information, I have voice recordings of the 2 calls I made Tikona and the call that Umar made"
Promptly at 6PM that evening Prateesh called to tell me that they were investigating and would have an answer in 2 days. I reminded him that his investigations would not help me since the speed would go back to 4Mbps in the next 6 hours when my current billing cycle starts
On the 28th of Jan Pranathi called to say that they were still investigating - by that time, I believe that the jokers felt that I would be sitting there biting my nails in anticipation of their master sleuthing.
Today Prateesh called to inform me with all pompousness that they completed their investigation and found that the fair usage policy was indeed applied and my connection switched to secondary only after I used my quota of 80GB
Either Prateesh was telling lies or Omar AND Rahul AND their tool was telling lies
The only reason for posting this complaint here is to tell all prospective Tikona customers to stay away from such cheats
For 10 positive (possibly fake) reviews, we get one real review! Woo.
^ To be honest , not fake all the time , i myself found tikona connection working rather very well with good speed and nice low latency when i took the connection and there were plenty of other users in our area . I liked tikona back then and used for more than 1-2 year but i dont know what happened after that , it looked like there tower which is just in front of my building always got under some problem and all people were getting affected by constant disconnections .
Customer care always said field engineer will solve it in 24 hours but it never got solved , now there is no tikona in our area :D
It really depends from one region to another , some places tikona connection is good but in other its worse .
Still keep tikona as your last resort option . And ask other people ( Who have taken tikona ) in your area about the service before committing to it .
Well. Experience of running this forum for 10 years tells me that when a brand new user joins the forum and leave a single post that is either positive or negative towards one specific brand... It is most likely a fake review or a disgruntled user.
A disgruntled user would not come back and edit his review if his problem was eventually resolved by the company. Which means that the review would not be complete.
Trust me. I have nothing against Tikona. But when you see a lot of fake appearing reviews from one specific brand, you tend to look at all reviews with suspicion.
And Tikona is exactly that. The net is full of copy pasted reviews from fake sounding users. No one goes around making accounts on 20 different sites to copy paste a positive review.
i get what you are saying. I would have probably not posted this issue on the forum if Tikona was professional enough to accept that their people and systems can make mistakes. In the current context I have heard differing opinions by different people. While Omar, Rahul and the self-service portal accepted that I did not cross the 80GB limit, Prateesh said that they investigated the issue and that they were correct
I have phone recordings and Excel sheets that I tried to upload on your forum so that other users could be careful with Tikona. However, I could not find an option to upload it
Tikona always take a stand that they are unable to open attachments sent by mail. I know that it is not due to any company policy or firewall. Their own people have, when it suited them, asked me to upload screenshots and files

^ Well you can easily upload it on some file sharing website like mediafire or mega and put the download link here for others to download and see it .
Tikona has changed their contention ratio to 1:50 . Imagine your connection being shared with 50 people.Better switch to their SOHO plan 1:8 ratio or change your ISP.
^ Thats bizarre , my local cable operator provides 1:8 contention ratio . This explains why tikona users don't get constant speed as promised .
1-2 years ago when i took the connection the ratio was much better .
Yes tikona is the worst company when it comes to customer care and customer service.. Their internet service is just pathetic. Irrespective of how many times you call and mail them they won't give a damn to your issues. And when you finally after getting way too frustrated change the internet service provider they will even loose the decency to talk.
