Internet Sharing/Networking

  • Thread starter Thread starter eandhra
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Today we got BSNL Business-3000 (Multi-user) connecttion. BSNL technicians just hooked up Huawei SmartAX MT880 modem and created a shortcut for login. I thought it will different from "Home packages" but it seems the same ..

No BSNL employees can able to answer difference between Single User / Multi User .. We supposed to get MultiUser access ..

Anyways .. I like to network multiple computers .. Right now I am using one system as Proxy Server (AnalogX) to share the internet .. But proxy is shutting down quite often and Net acess is going off in all Networked computers ..

I am getting frustrated with BSNL login system .. Why they didn't provide Net acess like TATA where we can just share without proxy or Login/Pass ..

I read in other posts that we can directly can give user/pass in MOdem itself ..
I tried that by going to modem config page at and chossed PPPOE option and enter user/pass . but it seems not working ..

Since I am using proxy, it's giving problems using FTP software, and also VOIP phone (vonage) ..

I really appreciate if any could help me out setting up the modem so that net is always on without login and also not using proxy for INternet sharing ..

I am willling to pay, if any one can guide me on phone or in person to solve my issues .. send e-mail to [email protected]

Originally posted by eandhra@Apr 29 2005, 07:12 PM
Today we got BSNL Business-3000 (Multi-user) connecttion. BSNL technicians just hooked up Huawei SmartAX MT880 modem and created a shortcut for login. I thought it will different from "Home packages" but it seems the same ..

No BSNL employees can able to answer difference between Single User / Multi User .. We supposed to get MultiUser access ..
Anyways .. I like to network multiple computers .. Right now I am using one system as Proxy Server (AnalogX) to share the internet .. But proxy is shutting down quite often and Net acess is going off in all Networked computers ..

I am getting frustrated with BSNL login system .. Why they didn't provide Net acess like TATA where we can just share without proxy or Login/Pass ..

I read in other posts that we can directly can give user/pass in MOdem itself ..
I tried that by going to modem config page at and chossed PPPOE option and enter user/pass . but it seems not working ..

Since I am using proxy, it's giving problems using FTP software, and also VOIP phone (vonage) ..
I really appreciate if any could help me out setting up the modem so that net is always on without login and also not using proxy for INternet sharing ..

I am willling to pay, if any one can guide me on phone or in person to solve my issues .. send e-mail to [email protected]


first open the modem interface page
type the username i.e. admin
password i.e. admin
you will land up in summery page

go to DNS on right hand menu and note down the DNS IPs
now go to DCHP on right hand menu and enable the DCHP server make the ending IP address say 200 press apply and restart the modem

on computer side
in network properties in internet protocol properties
and type the IP address which was in the modem

and also in the advanced option set gatway to

this setting is working in my office

any problems mail me at [email protected]
Connection of many comps onto one Dataone connection thru a Switch is possible. Not too tough either and I think someone had posted the method also in this forum somewhere.Besides if u use Windows XP on the comp the Internet is there thru Dataone then if u do all ur settings properly on other comps then u dont need to use Analog Proxy. Even if u do so then use a stable version. I used both and was happy with both specially the older of the 2. The last release was 414 but I preffered the one I think which was 407.
It's none but me who had always guided members in this forum in setting up a multiuser connection through dataone. One can find many posts regarding this topic. Remember to enable NAT in ur router ! Proxy server is not at all needed. Just use Router functionality of the modem. "Comp bless all" !
I neither use NAT ( unless its on on its own ) and I am on Multi user after testing running it on my freinds comp successfully over a month back ( I used a router though ). I find it excellent to use and so do my staff.
Adendum - I dont use Proxy ( Analog ) any more either. Though I am not sure if my internal LAN has stopped working after that. My boys would know that if removal of Analog has created probs or not for LAN though net is working..

Well, this is one of those guides that I had posted. Please take a look.

Originally posted by agnivo007@Apr 21 2005, 10:19 AM
Hi ways2gain,
BSNL service is reported to be unsatisfactory in central & S.Kolkata. I don't know where u stay. In N.Kolkata, things are fine ! In fact u should immediately call DataOne fault repair to check your line for line attenuation and SNR. As for ur question, things are same for win98 and winXP.
Do the following : In TCP/IP prop. of network adapter, set to obtain IP automatically.
Connect ur modem lan cable to pc and fire to access management interface. For default login, read manual. Enter userid,pass,conn.type=PPPoE LLC,defaultroute=on,nat=on,virtual circuit=on, always on=on,VCI=35,VPI=0,mru=1458,dhcpmode=server.
Now save settings and reboot PC and modem. It has been set for always on and autodial. If you plug in the modem to a switch and connect multiple PCs to the switch, all PCs will gain access. If u have single pc just connecting lan cable to modem and PC will do fine. I have been using the router functionality and works fine.

All the best,  ;)
I have a UT Star 300R Modem given by BSNL. I dint find these settings when I went to May be I search for it correctly so I could not activate ALWAYS ON.Besides I have a 8 Port Switch which also dint permit me to dial into thru all comps separetly though my Wifi Router allows me to. I am looking for a proper solution for the same which I guess may be there in the booklet of Utstar 300R modem which BSNL gave me in the box.
Hi All,

I cannot access this page I get the following "THE PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED".

I want to use Vonage with BSNL 250 plan. I have Huawei MT882. I am using USB slot to connect to PC and want to use Ethernet to Vonage phone adapter.

I've got a similar prob, I can't see the menu on the left.

Originally posted by kbjkbj1@Dec 17 2005, 08:31 PM
Hi All,

I cannot access this page I get the following \"THE PAGE CANNOT BE DISPLAYED\".

I want to use Vonage with BSNL 250 plan. I have Huawei MT882. I am using USB slot to connect to PC and want to use Ethernet to Vonage phone adapter.

