MTNL Broadband is injecting ads on your computer pretending it's a feature

I use https everywhere in both FF and Chrome. but I think parts of these web-pages are not https. If I set the 'allow only https' rule, then the web-page does not load.
What I do not understand is, how is a site/domain/IP blocked at the router level still creeping in?
i mean ad injection should not happen at all on https sites so there is no way youtube can be affected by this.
almost all major video services are now https (including adult ones). one can just hope that smaller ones also migrate soon.
because that is the only good solution for this problem.
sigh. bbc should be running on full https. what a shame.

Since No-Script/Script-safe block, I do not see any reference when I inspect the page source. But somehow it is creeping in past the router filter. And maybe MTNL is blocking http streaming media (under orders of 'competent authorities'?)
ok I checked again and found the following under the 'console' section:

D%7D Failed to load resource: net::ERR_BLOCKED_BY_CLIENT

So is it phozeca that is blocking the media content?
Are these ads just like the old bottom right pop up ads it was pushing previously?

I wasn't introduced to those old ads for quite long but when I was I did block and never saw it again.
