NASA News & Updates

NASA delays Space Shuttle return for extended mission
US Space Agency NASA has decided that two astronauts would be conducting an unscheduled fourth spacewalk on Monday to work on retracting a stuck solar panel on the International Space Station.
This means that the Discovery shuttle is going to land back to earth on Friday. This also delays [...]
NASA to deliver space imagery through Google search engine
US space agency NASA is expanding their collaboration with search engine giant Google. NASA Ames Research Center has said in a statement that they would now deliver more of the space agency’s imagery and information through the web’s most popular search engine service.
This announcement comes after Google [...]
NASA upgrades the software on its Mars rovers
US space agency NASA has upgraded the software on its Mars rovers. This would enable the rover to provide more functionality in the coming months.
NASA said that this updated software module was broadcast from Earth over the New Year and it was relayed through the Deep Space Network [...]
NASA delays trip to moon due to budget cuts
US Space Agency NASA has said in a statement that they are now delaying the first manned flight of the new spacecraft which has been designed to take the man back on the moon.
This is due to the financial constraints NASA is facing due to budget [...]
NASA believes China could conquer the moon before them this time
US Space Agency NASA has plans to put the man back on moon. However, they are faced with depleting financial sources and they are still working on their plans to replace the aging Space Shuttle fleet.
NASA Administrator Michael Griffin has now said in a statement [...]
NASA declines Russia’s proposal for moon explorationThe head of Russia’s space agency Anatoly Perminov has said in a statement that US space agency NASA rejected their proposal that the two countries should work together on moon exploration.He said: “We were ready to co-operate, but for unknown reasons, the United States have said they will undertake [...]

NASA declines Russia's proposal for moon exploration

NASA: James Webb Space Telescope on track US Space Agency NASA has revealed that they are on track with the development of the James Webb Space Telescope. NASA is aiming to launch the telescope to the space in June 2013. Edward Weiler, head of NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center said in a statement that despite facing [...]

NASA: James Webb Space Telescope on track
NASA: Space Shuttle launch set for June 8US Space Agency NASA has confirmed that they have fixed the hail-damaged fuel tank of the Space Shuttle Atlantis.The shuttle is now ready to be moved back to its launch pad for the currently scheduled June 8 launch.Shuttle fuel tank manager John Chapman had this to say [...]

NASA: Space Shuttle launch set for June 8
NASA’s Dawn spacecraft launch delayed US space agency NASA has revealed that they have now delayed the launch of their NASA’s Dawn spacecraft. NASA is scheduled to launch this craft to explore two massive asteroids. The launch is now rescheduled to no earlier than Monday, July 9. NASA stated in a release that the launch window for [...]

NASA Dawn spacecraft launch delayed
NASA Phoenix spacecraft launch delayed US Space Agency NASA has announced that they are now delaying the launch of their Phoenix spacecraft. The craft was originally scheduled to have launched on Friday but NASA has now rescheduled the launch. NASA has stated that the craft would land on Mars’ northern polar region and would help them analyze soil [...]

NASA Phoenix spacecraft launch delayed
