Well, few days back they fixed issue in their billing. Earlier you were able to use it for free as long as you were using Indian credit card.
are 300K queries easily achieveable in a month?
Tried NextDNS for a couple of days. Configured it on router level. Everyone started complaining about google services not working at times. especially the one with "googleleadservices" link. Ended up removing it and back to Cloudflare and Open DNS.
Also it doesn't seem to block any sort of ads and the thing which scares me is the log. Even if i disable it, i am pretty sure they are collecting all my logs. Nope, don't want that at all. Even cloudflare does that but i believe they do it anonymously.
Never gonna try these kind of DNS again as long as cloudflare/google/openDNS work fine.
I started using Next DNS on my Mikrotik router and Now I cant open many websites i.e, hdfcbank what can be done?/

On removing it these open perfectly..

If you guys suggest to remove NextDNS what are the alternatives??

Go to logs (if you haven't enabled logs enable it once, disable later) and beside website name you will be seeing an exclamation mark which will show blocklist name, disable that particular Blocklist by going in Privacy Section.
