Official Protest For MTNL Triband 590 NU Users

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too big a hungama for too small an issue..

i was very sore when 2mbps was withdrawn after a few days..
but do u really think its worth it?/.. if u r dying to do morcha and stuff then at least find a good enough cause. India now has too many people earning just a little more than what they need to feed themselves. so private companies will commit murder to offer whatever we want to buy with that 'little more' more money that we are earning. the question is "when?" well, as soon as enough people would want that particular service/product at the lowest price a company can manage to offer.

so if u apply the above funda to 'decent speed internet access' (maybe we should call it 'DSIA' in the future posts? ;) ) then u know that u will not have to wait very long for India to have DSIA because it did not take too much for companies to offer you mobile connections with incoming call rate of RS1/min (down from RS16/min for incoming calls) and also handsets starting at Rs1200 with a connection, P4 Pcs at Rs20000, TV sets at Rs5000 (for more info visit :mellow: ). same will be true for DSIA and sooner rather than later a company will bring a larger %age of international bandwidth to India.

in short, you will get what you want to buy as soon as enough people would want to buy it.
so no need for getting so senti
we will have better speeds in india .. u just need to wait...
till then go enjoy your unique position in the world.. ie, two steps behind everybody else!!
but the interesting part is as soon as someone ahead of us slows down we are gonna bulldoze 'em ...why?? ...err in one word - 'momentum' .. we cant stop, even if we wanted to. we are too many and with more than 2 billion feet.yippee!

FYI - of the 4 days i was on 2mbps i spent the first day digging up torrent sites and asking for invites for sites with private tracker and taking screenies of the down speed iwas getting. 2nd day i downloaded 6 movies and then ran out of things to download so just started a torrent for all episodes of oc. 3rd day i ran out of disk space so instead i watched a few movies like jurassic park on the winamp tv streams. by afternoon i was bored and missed my friends so went out after a sort of a hibernation. 4th day did not switch on the computer.
nish, The question is not that whether we'll get 2mbps ever or notthe ques is "WHY NOT NOW??"Why doesn't MTNL or any other broadband service provider in Delhi provide DSIA at decent costs for unlimited plans when they have all the infrastructure nd thousands of loyal customers who wud purchase the packages, in hand??Why does India, with the second largest amt of human resource have to be even "two steps" (which i wud rather put as "Two hundred steps") behind several other palm-sized countries??Why do we call ourselves the "New Global Power" or the "Rulers of Global Tech in making" when we're not even able to provide our citizens even 1/6th of the speeds used in every single home in the States....leave alone Japan??If India keeps moving at this "momentum", then by the time we wud have gained those two steps, the world wud have moved out-of-our-sight....It's this fact that provokes us to protestIt's this customer-right-ignorant progress of ISP's in India that causes us to rebuke at dis downtrodden sys and ask for wat we deserve.D condition of Internet services in our country will improve only if we, the consumers, try to make a change, rather than keep sittin n wait for the time to comeWe shud realize our duty as a consumer towards the country's progress n the ISP's shud realize theirsIt's time enough dat we ask for a change that we deserve :angry:
Ok, we all agree with your viewpoint. But what do we have to do? I mean we can't go and rally in front of the MTNL office or the IT minister's place, protesting for broadband speeds is lame. In India, where thousands of people don't have electricity, how can we do a thing like that. The only way I can think of is to call higher authorities of the IT ministry or in MTNL/BSNL, who have the power to make decisons/changes. We can tell them that we are really dissatisfied with their services, tell them that their custimer support sucks, and bring to their notice that their competitors, though don't have higher speeds, but provide better services, and more stable packages.Moreover, if we request companies like Airtel, who have a good record and are well known for customer satisfaction, to expand their network, and tell them that if they provide better packages than MTNL/BSNL, people will buy their packages and thus they will get money to provide for more bandwidth/speeds. These companies basically don't have capital/infrastructure to provide speeds of 2 Mbps. So if we let them know that their is a demand, they might take initiatives to expand their networks.

we are against only why MTNL HAS "reduced" speed for NU users, even when thay have the means and technology its not about very social equality iys about capitalist attitude of an PSU COMPANY, even when all private service providers pay royalty tax to bsnl and mtnl for public service ........

buy the way u r question ...if u are so concern that half of india did not have broadband so its not right for us and wait for getting our rediced speed back .....india has a 30 percent of its people living below poverty line and 10 % of peple did not have proper food do u did not have a party in u r house becoz of that ........or how many hours of community service u have done to talk about this type of crap stop bullshit .....and put u r foot in u r mouth and shut up .....NISL LAL

QUOTE(Apoorv Khatreja @ Apr 1 2007, 02:03 PM) [snapback]85675[/snapback]
Ok Sneezy, we all agree with your viewpoint. But what do we have to do? I mean we can't go and rally in front of the MTNL office or the IT minister's place, protesting for broadband speeds is lame. In India, where thousands of people don't have electricity, how can we do a thing like that. The only way I can think of is to call higher authorities of the IT ministry or in MTNL/BSNL, who have the power to make decisons/changes. We can tell them that we are really dissatisfied with their services, tell them that their custimer support sucks, and bring to their notice that their competitors, though don't have higher speeds, but provide better services, and more stable packages.[/b]

I totally agree with u Apoorv, but i fail to comprehend ur meaning by "In India, where thousands of people don't have electricity, how can we do a thing like that"

I really hate dis mentality dat if we r small in no. we cant do nethin

We shud really start planning sumthin practical

I like Apoorv's suggestion abt dat "Operation Airtel". We shud now start planning as to when we'll call em n we shud fix frequent turns so dat dey realize dat dey have enough new customers in hand to start a new package.

So everyone who's interested in being an "Agent" in dis "Operation" shud perhaps leave deir e-mail ID's(preferably gmail) on dis thread for further info.

Here we go........ B)

P.S: n as deep quoted "support is all we need"....So pls, pls, n pls join us in our protest (obviously, only if u r an unsatisfied user)
hey frnz PM me the email id ...i will sure add u .... dont post it here and make this thread BIG dat the origian content feels missing .. !!PeAcE ! must understand....India is a spiritual country..the best brains don't go to IITs but to become sanyasis and sadhus..strange and insane line...but it is the truth..The true leader who are sub-conciously guiding this country..whom we follow don't go the material way..but they somehow program our society to go along the spiritual line.The reason you guys are finding it so hard to come out for a material cause is we are just simply not progammed to follow that way...India will never ever become a developed country and we are very happy with it..we are all suffering race..struggle is our buzz word..things here move slowly cos our 90 percent of energy is in spiritualism.We are spiritual super power of this world and for that we have to sacrifice out material efficiency.Please don't blame anyone, This is our Karma..Be happy with what you got..things will eventually come to you..remember each one of us has spiritual work to do consiously or the babus in MTNL too are in the great Karmic cycle.Don't get agitated just because the west has it and we need to have it to right what cost are their material comforts worth..they are not more happy than we are..with 2 Mbps or 10 Mbps..they still have the same problem :)Be content with yourself and India..India will be like this only ..not only with MTNL triband but with all things in our life as we all know it.
@lavista4u....spiritual country...spiritual super power...???WTF??Did sum1 brainwash u or wat man??
