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the new version of PCLinuxOS is best distro in Linux!! and it rocks with opera 9 !!Linux progressing and better for us !!
hmm worth a try.
its default desktop has vista Aero looks! quite impressive! Nvidia has just released its new driver for graphic cards for linux. Its too impressive setup. It checks the kernal first and then goes to a ftp site and searches for compiled driver. If it doesnot find then it compiles for us. All this automated!! no need to compile and crack your heads..!!!! Its becoming simple in linux!!
Downloaded PCLinux OS ...will install it in a day or two...please just tell me if it has rp-pppoe package built in or needs to be added later...I need it for my net..If no..I can download it beforehand to save hassles later.
it has that package with its gui package too in default instalation.
Ahh great....should be worth it then...I am removing Ubuntu dapper and putting PCLinuxOS

i like kubuntu alot ;) ( ubuntu = gnome = suck .. personal preference :P ) and for server works centos is best .
Yea actually Kubuntu looked very promising, but sadly it never worked for me as smoothly as expected.Lets see how PCLinuxOS fares.
kubuntu is not impressive compared to ubuntu. But PCLINUXOS is best for me atleast !!
Yeh man ..PCLinuxOS actually roxxxIt played my MP3 and aviś outta the box....no codecs and stuff needed to be addedIt connected to my net straight away using pppoe straight away from the live cdSo I guess the installed version too should be as good.
