Reliance Big TV DTH has major problems

Hi there...
I've been using BigTV - quite satisfactorily for some 6 months - from Oct 2008, had a little bit of bad experience with their customer-care like they didn't know about the current packages, their systems down....I mean of general, poor service quality-as-usual-slack-type of my country!

Since I'm not a much fussy TV viewer, I had it continued - watch whatever comes up - some news channel most of the time in evening.

Then around a week ago BigTV decided to stop that too...started giving a message on blue screen, saying "Please subscribe to this channel" - on all the channels, including the Preview (101), Help (999), except the 556 (Gyan Darshan).

Since then I've been calling them continuously - getting a new complaint reference number each time I call - only SEVEN till now. Have done all the factory-resets, plug-outs-and-then-restarts etc. etc.

Even got one of their "Engineer" to visit my home - nobody can believe what that rascal did - (after postponing visit for two days saying that my home no found), he came finally, and yeah - called the customer-care guys, who instructed him to do a factory-reset!! He asked them then to lodge a new complaint and got me a new complaint reference number.

Now, after getting 7 different complaint reference numbers, one Engineer's visit to my home - I'm back to square one - not able to see TV and yes, they are deducting money too from my account!

Just a few questions:
1. Is this a regular thing or am I among those lucky (Huh!) chosen ones?
2. How to get my channels back - any jugad-type idea or any channel of complaining them?
How to complain to say, TRAI or any other ombudsman kind of guy who can look into this?
3. How can I get it per one of the articles I found on net, customer shall get his money (I think not entire, but cost of set-top and antenna) refunded (Ref: Trai directs DTH cos to offer refunds )
Dump Relaince- and switch to something else..!!:thumb:
Call CC - thats the only way or try to find Nodal officer's numberAt last you can complaint to consure court (jaago grahak jaago)I dont think they refund our hard earned money at all.
Complain to the Nodal officer. Not that it may help you :-)I have been through even worse times, but that was for internet. And CC would NOT give me the Nodal officers contact details.I got it from TRAI's website.
Thanks guys..
For a start, I've dropped mail each to TRAI ([email protected] - found on net for something else) and consumer complaint redressal forum of my area (ID [email protected]) - did put a copy to [email protected] & [email protected] as well.

Hoping to get them realise that I'm serious in getting that damm thing lost from my home, and yes - on complaining & getting the refund my hard-earned money as well...will keep all updated through this forum.

And yeah...called them again, they gave me a new complaint reference number - have got total 8 of I anywhere near to any world-record yet?
Good one. Hope it makes some difference and they resolve your problems. Please update us here and we will do the same if something drastically happens in a good way!

Hey,So, finally they (the BigTV guys) did some "magic" and channels started flowing on my TV-tube, after an "engineer" visited my home this evening.It took 18 mails, 10 days, 8 complaint-numbers and 2 "engineer" visits to my home to fix it.The chap who came to my home this time (this was second visit from some BigTV "engineer" ) too did not do anything special- he just did a channel-reset and then called their CC, who did a reset at their end as well - I wonder how this was different as I had been doing the same thing over and over again - with the same CC (the 1800- number) on the phone.I believe that dropping mails to Trai and customer complaint redressal forums with BigTV in cc might have helped...or it could be my e-mails (some 7/8 of these) too, requesting them to just discontinue this useless service.Reliance BigTV does have some serious technical issues at their end - which their tech-specialists/"engineers"/CC are even NOT capable/competent of understanding (leave solving alone!) - they've been trained to parrot phrases like "My personal responsibility", "4 hours","deep apologies/concerns" etc. without even realizing the meaning of these or their responsibility. Here in Delhi, their "engineers" don't even bother to visit customers even after taking time over the phone (happened twice). Even their biggies at head-office are pathetic - one Sonawane chap dropped me a mail saying that it's me who does not receive their phone-call - wow!Their service is painful - very often CC tells that system is down OR cannot verify/change your channels' bouquet or balance - these basic facilities are not available on the net!Now, next task on my list is to get that amount which they had been charging daily from my account waved-off (or refunded)...may take long, but will keep all updated about you through this post.Thank you guys for helping me - by reading about my issue and advising me on how to solve this :).Yogesh.
worst DTH Service Provider award goes to Mr.Anil's Reliance BIG TV (ADAG )andworst Hardware Provider are Reliance BIG TV (ADAG ) and SUN Direct :S
