Reliance Leased Line - HORRIBLE

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Well i will disagree on most of the points OP raised.
1. Downtime:- with reliance lease line never faced downtime of over an hour and that too very rarely in the period of 4 years.
2. Speed:- Always got what was signed in the agreement.
3. Support:- They have a dedicated number for leased line customers and persons answering the calls are technically sound to solve the issues.

I was on 48mbps line.

Did you use it as part of a BGP ?
Have you used their Maharashtra network ?
Have you used their Pune support ?

you disagree? OP raised issues he faced. you can say that your experiences were different. but you cannot really disagree with his points :D

True. Experiences can vary location to location.

As i have mentioned the support thing, it is clear he is not following the proper course of action for his problems and hence facing the problems

The process I have mentioned above is written in the Escalation Matrix provided by them.

Your points may have been valid if you are talking to an irate broadband customer, but we have been in the datacenter business for last 6 years and this is the first time we have faced such horrible service. We also use TATA in the same BGP network and there has been 0 downtime as well as no support issues.
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