Sify's way to block ports

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Sify's newest bband client ( 2.8 ) can block ports on windows 2000 and xp using the windows inbuilt ipsec policies (without ur permission ) .

C:\ program files\sify broadband folder contains 3-4 files showing this

1) ipseccmd.exe ( to install policies )

now the new bband client downloads rules file from sify server and install it on ur pc pc and so by this sify can block ur ports anytime right from ur own pc .. (works on 2k/xp) .

To check what all ports are blocked for you:


see Ip security policies
then there will be a policy named FILter showing Assigned tab as YES in front of it and u can see what all ports is sify blocking on ur pc ..

heres a screenshot of mine

By using this sify can block any port on ur pc anytime through ur bband client .. I dont know how many of u people has this in ur pc so u can check it and reply heer what ports are blocked in ur pc
To check:
start-->run-->secpol.msc-->ip security policies..

To prevent it :
Disable ipsec service
stop ipsec service and set its startup to disabled . This wont affect your xp sp2 firewall .

from commandline:
net stop ipsec
sc config ipsec startup= demand
:o those bas**** f*** them :angry:
another devilish ploy by sify to cheat its users !!glad i never was on sify and never will take one !
it helps sify alot ..1) they cant stop people in same area using file sharing programs like dc++ or other proggies by blocking ports on their own server (bcoz it can block only transfer between user and internet) . But by blocking it right on user pc they can block anything they want ...At present i havent seen any p2p ports blocked by this method most ports blocked are like 135 ,1033 and some more worm ports so for now its ok for a normal user ..But if they start blocking p2p ports this way without the permission of user then it wont be good ..People on win98/me dont need to worry as it doesnt have ipsec .And this is the sify's crappy port blocking tool they mention on their download page even though its just a windows inbuilt functionality ...Just disable ipsec service to override it ...
Okay, I am on Windows 98 SE so if ipsec is not there on it, that means Sify's PC Guard (port blocking thing) doesn't do *anything* at all for me, is it?Also, Sify's PC Guard shows which ports are blocked on its GUI itself. And we can change them that is open and close ports as we want.
