Speed Reduced Before Crossing FUP

  • Thread starter Thread starter kRuSnIk
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  • Replies Replies 38
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20-17.2= 2.8Gb and then how it is 3.29GB? I can notice there is a difference of 500mb? If i am Right.. Where is that 500mb?
airtel definitely count uploads. also, if you are using a wireless router. you might have consumed some data on that too? i mean i use my smartphone on wifi extensively. so i cannot really trust the bandwidth app on my computer. also... it would be hard to take on airtel's meter with an app running on your computer. airtel calculates it on their servers. there are lots of things that can be causing the different in consumption. and yes, i do believe that airtel can easily overbill the usage... it would be very hard to validate that they are doing something like that at their end.
20-17.2= 2.8Gb and then how it is 3.29GB?
actually it is 20-17.02=2.98GB but the point is smartbytes website which probably decides when high speed transfer (aka FUP) ends is showing less usage than the usage shown in airtel.in
admin you replied in this thread but didnt answer my plea.Could you please tell me the difference you are getting in airtel.in page and smartbytes page.thanksps:this goes to other airtel users.
imho smartbytes page updates realtime or more like 3-4 hrs but at airtel.in portal about 1 day to update...i cant check my usage on smartbytes coz i already crossed the fup
Even with 1 day delay my usage uptil yesterday was 22 gb and i was fuped.Reaching 24 gb will be 80% of fup.

btw which plan you have?.I read airtel has special plans for hyderbad to compete with beam.Why dont you change to beam fiber @ 10mbps at rs 1000 with post fup speeds of 2mbps after consuming 30gb.
im on rs 649 for 5gb at 2mbps plan then 256kbps(sucks)yeah airtel has some swift plans in hyderabad with better fup, im thinking of switching to beam for the past month but reading their facebook wall with numerous complaints about downtime and other issues is putting me off.Only reason still with airtel because of their uptime(99.99%) and consistent speeds
A Friend of mine who stays in Delhi took Airtel for office work at home. He says whenever i type Email and Press Send email This "FUP Page" Comes up and sometime He has to write whole Code again because of that. Airtel Seriously needs life.
