Tragedy has always been a hallmark of any of the Star Trek adventures, especially in a long series like this one. But usually, tragedies occur never occur to the main cast but always to somebody related to them. This is what also happened in this episode. The character is only killed if there is an issue between them and the studio. Sometimes even if things go sour between the actor and the studio, there may be a transformation episode where the person's looks transform into somebody else. In star trek: discovery we have already discovered Trill symbionts

If one wanted to replace the cast, they could do about some similar species. In fact, even this one could be termed the same. Who is to say who is the parasite and who is the symbiont. Those are again labels that we humans put as part of our human experience. And our understanding of nature around us is pretty limited.
Interesting tidbit I learned after the latest episode.

The role of Sybok was written for popular actor Sean Connery; however, this did not come to be. Nevertheless, the Star Trek Encyclopedia (4th ed., vol. 2, p. 288) asserts that Connery's name in alluded to in the final film, by the mythical name "Sha Ka Ree".
what a weird ass trek story this week. i hated it. trekkies would love it.

a while ago they did a monster episode on orville and i was like what is this nonsense... trek would never do anything like this. and here we are now.
