Tata Indicom plug2 surf USB Modem: Excessive Billing

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After seeing the TV Commercials of Tata Indicom plug 2 surf USB modem I purchased one for my laptop which has windows vista and took a connection from Tata Indicom ( +919249508384). They give it as a post paid mobile connection sim and by using this sim in the USB modem one can get internt through their supplier dialler. When you install the execution file in the CD you get a dialler which can be used for getting connected. The dialler has a sim based log which also gives you complete detailes of your usage. I took a plan with a monthly rental of Rs 150 where I get 300 minutes of free surfing. As I have broadband both in my office and house this plan is more than enough since I use it only when I am on the move. My first full month bill given by tata indicom showed a usage of over 700 minutes while my log on the dialler shows less than 300 minutes. One of my friend Mr. VJ Mathew has also similar excessive billing while both our log detailes showed actual usage. We complained to them with the screen shots of our log and after so many days they came out with a reply that their billing is robust and their billing is accurate. They also gave an explanation that when they contacted the manufacurer of the modem Sungil they admitted that there is a bug in their system and that caused the difference. While we have been regularly checking our usage with that of the log, we are 100% confident that it shows an accuate time while we suspect the bug must be in the tataindcom's billing system and hence they show a excessive usage. Tata Indicome has still failed to give an convincing reply and stick to their claim that their billing is accurate. Does any one else using the same plug 2 surf modem face the same? Please do check with your log on the dialler and compare it with their billing.
TRAI is blind and deaf. almost every1 takes tata indicom product and reports connection and/or billing problem. and trai still does nothing.
TRAI is Bapu's monkey all 3 in one:

They don't hear to Customer complaints
They don't see Companies providing "Unacceptable Services"
They don't say/act on any complaint................

Thats TRAI (Telecom Regulatory Authority of India) with Tag line: "No Time to Regulate"
It was interesting to note that even Tata Indicom people at their True Value were not aware that there is log in the simcard which can be cross varified for actual usage and when they were shown this ( this log cannot be manipulated by the user since it is not in the computer but it is in the network). I was told by one user when I took the connection to check the billing from day one and because of this I wrote down seperatly my usage. As every user using this plug 2 modem has billing complaint, people must be aware of this and those who plan to buy this must be very clear about what they are going to get!

I had taken a Plug2surf connection from tata Indicom paying Rs.2850/- on 30th July '07. Since I wanted to check the billing for first month I startedkeeping track of my usage. I was shocked to see the first bill which showed 200 minutes excessive billing. Immediately I complained to their nodal officer who seems to be more interested in refering adjectives like "Churlish Customer" to complaining customer. Since I paid only as per usage, they disconnected the service. When I met their customer care manager in chennai main office, the lady does not understand the problem. But she arranged for the re-connection. Every 2-3 days they disconnect and re-connect only after getting a reminder from me. Subsequent bills are also having about 200 minutes excess. May be earning about 100 bucks will take care of the salaries of their regional heads. After 10 weeks of my complaint, they came out with a suggestion that their billing system is robust but the problem is in Sungil modem is which defective and a replacement may come in about 45 days. Icing on the cake is ' I have to bear with them till then and pay up". !
Dear Athmaranjan,
It was interesting to read your comments which is similar to mine.I think all users of Tata Indicom plug 2 surf modem is being taken for a ride by them. Only very few people may have taken notice of this fault in their billing sytem. I am using a windows vista in my laptop and one can very clearly get a log of our own usage on the dialer provided by tata indicom. On the dialler if you click on "setup" you can get to another window where you can see "network" and there you can get the log of internet. You have the option to search for the log detailes between two dates,which can be used to check the log during a particular billing cycle. You can see this log is absolutely correct and never tallies with the billing of Tata Indicom. As this log given in the dialer can be produced in any court we can take them for legal action. My friend Mr. VJ Mathew has the same problem and may be you can write to me directly on my email: [email protected] so we can all together communicate and decide on the course of action.

PJ Joseph
Sir,This is to make you concern about the trouble I am facing with TATA Indicom internet connection. I had gone through the three tier institutionalized grievances redressal mechanism.I am a cosumer of tata indicom newly introduced plug_2_surf wireless internet connection. I had to bought a USB modem(of Rs. 2850.00) and a sim card worth of Rs. 99.00 during taking connection. My V-data card no. is 9830526648 and it was activated from 17th August, 2007. I am in PLan 325, it is a time based plan the monthly rental is Rs. 325.00 and it allows 1800 minutes free internet surfing per month.A software named dialer was given along with the USB modem supposed to keep the internet usage log in time and data transfer.For the first month I surfed internet accordig to the internet log of that dialer software.At the end of my billing cycle the total minutes of internet surfing was well within my free limits. But in the bill I noticed some extra charge was claimed as the extra internet usage, it was Rs. 93.00. I then contacted to the service provider regarding this matter,they admitted that there is some problem with the software and refused to change the software but they returned the extra money Rs. 93.00 as a gesture to maintain their goodwill and refused to return any such inthe future. I requested them a lot to change the modem and software but they just refused.In the second month I observed the same thing that my internet usage according to the bill is higher than the dialer software internet log. I again insisted to cut the extra money from my bill but they refused, I then wanted to change my dialer software with a correct one, again they refused.For the next month I planned to keep internet log to myself, for the last month my internet usage was 1694 minutes which is well within my free limits 1800 minutes,in my last bill I observed my internet usage is 1931 minutes and for that they claimed Rs. 60.00 plus 12% tax on that.I again contacted them but they just refused to entertain my problem.I am really frustrated now, breaching of connection will be a loss for me as I bought the USB modem just 3 months back.Under this circumstances I need your help to solve my problem.In this mail I am not sending any document as the software output is not possible but if required I can send the print screen picture of the internet log and the bills of the tataindicom that are the documents I have.I am waiting for your solution. SANJIB DEY,Senior Research Fellow,Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics,Department of Atomic Energy,Govt. Of INDIA1/AF, Bidhan Nagar, Kolkata-700 064Resi43B, Sikdar Bagan Street, Kolkata-700 004West Bengal.Mobile- (033)-9830405305
Dear Mr. Sajib and Athmarajan,
Please do not pay any amount in excess to your actual usage shown on the log of the dialler. I now realise how many people are unaware of this fraud billing of Tata Indicom with their much fancied Plug2surf modem. We stood very strong with them and myself and advocate friend Mr. VJ Mathew who too is using the same refused to pay any more amount and finally Tata Indicom accepted their fault and have accepted that we need to pay only the rent amount if the usage is within in the free usage as shown by the dialler of the log. So please stand very strong with Tata Indicom as you can very well sue them with the screen shot of the log. If you require any further support in this case please do not hesistate to email me. In the wider interest of the public who are not aware of this fraud by Tata Indicom please try to publicise this as much as possible so that people rally against them untill they stop this open cheating

PJ Joseph

This is another complaint by my advocate friend Mr. VJ Mathew who too purchased the same:

5th October 2007

From :
V.J.Mathew (Valamparambil John Mathew )
V.J.Mathew & Co.,
Advocates, Manikkiri Cross Road,
Pallimukku, Cochin-16.

To : The Nodal Officer,
Tata Indicom,
Kerala Region .

Sub : Excess Billing on data on Data Services on Number 09249508262

Ref : A/c. No.802742105

Our Tariff Plan : Value 325 - V data Plan


I purchased a USB modem from your authorised dealer in Cochin on 24/7/07 and the same was activated on 25/7/07. As per the above plan I am entitled for 1800 Minutes Data free per month ( 30 hrs. per month ). Thereafter I received my first bill on 27/8/07 Bill No.396225738 for the period 25/7/07 to 24/8/07 and the bill amount was for Rs.209.00 which was paid by me on 5/9/07 without looking into the time consumed . Thereafter I was served with the 2nd bill on 27/9/07 bill No.409035330 for a sum of Rs.1752.53 which is highly exorbitant, inflated and cannot be justified or supported with any documents from your side .

For your information I am using regular high speed broad brand at my office and residence and use your above USB only during my travel. As a lawyer I travel on 5 to 6 days out of the state and maximum usage was for looking into high court cause list of cases and my email, and in any event my use will be less than 10 to 15 minutes per day. I raised a complaint with your personnel who called me over phone to intimate me to remit my bill. Thereafter some other person called me and told me to remit the bill and when I raised the complaint he told he will provide me with details of the bill . Today also I got a call from one of your personnel and told me that I have to remit the bill as I have already exceeded 80% of my credit limit. By the time under protest I had already paid the payment yesterday on 4.10.07 to avoid disconnection during my travel . In the payment slip I have further noted my protest and complaint and stated that I have never exceeded 30 hrs. 1800 minutes in my usage which was given as free allowance. I would like to confirm that my usage of your service is limited to access my email only when I am travelling and I am sure that I have never exceeded 30 hrs. during the 2nd bill period. I was never given a complaint number when ever I lodged the complaint with your office . Unfortunately your personnel who called me today told that complaint has already been closed after attending my call as per the records . I was never given any satisfactory explanation or detailed billing to justify the above inflated 2nd bill of Rs.1752.53.

As per the log of my usage available on the dialler of your USB connection , I checked up the total usage during the period from 25/8/07 to 24/9/07 which comes only to 18 hrs.12 minutes.33 seconds, which is far below the free allowance of 30 hrs. Further I checked the log for the total period from the date of activation 25/7/07 to this day i.e.; 5/10/07and the total usage as per the USB log comes only to 30 hrs.4 minutes.37 seconds. This itself is sufficient to prove the error in your billing system . This excess billing is deliberate and intended to make illegal gains from the customers.

As you know we cannot tamper or misuse your USB modem log and the reading shown there in itself is sufficient to prove that I have never exceeded 30 hrs. during the billing period. We are also hearing lot of complaints from my other friends on the same Tata Indicom USB connection excess billing. It is unfortunate to note that we are not getting any service from your customer care inspite of our repeated telephonic intimation to redress the grievance of the customers.

In the said circumstances, you are hereby notified to take necessary action immediately to rectify your billing error and refund the excess amount collected from me vide 2nd ref. bill and ensure that this sort of excess billing and fraud won’t be repeated in future on the customers , failing which we will be constrained to stop availing your service and initiate appropriate legal action against you to recover the loss , damages and compensation , and in such an event you will be made additionally liable for all the costs and consequences arising thereon.

Yours faithfully,

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