Tata Sky Broadband: Static IPV6 - Unable to Configure

@C3PO VPN is the ultimate goal but I need atleast one static IP to achieve that

Softether vpn can be used without static address with the vpn azure option. Can be used on any machine behind router or NAT without opening any inbound ports. If you have an openwrt based router, package is available. Doesn't even need a separate client, in built windows sstp client can connect using vpn azure. It's an extremely powerful and wonderful piece of software.
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@C3PO VPN is the ultimate goal but I need atleast one static IP to achieve that

You don't need a static IP from TSBB to use a VPN. For e.g. you can subscribe to VPNs that can give a static IP. Far better than a nosey parker ISP's static IP. Only thing VPNs don't give out v6 but v4 addresses. Choose carefully and don't open up your network to IoT devices esp. video cameras that are known to fall prey to hackers. Read this How to secure your home surveillance cameras from getting hacked
I also have received static IPv6. How have you configured on your machine ?
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@shankar29 Sorry to dig up an old thread. I am struggling to get ipv6 to work properly with pfsense. My computer has been assigned an ipv6 address but when I test it using test-ipv6 or something, it fails.

Can anyone help?
Did you route the IPv6 in LAN interface (im not on TSBB btw)?
Do a traceroute to ipv6.google.com . Make sure to cover your gateway ip partially.
Try posting ping/traceroute result as text instead of image
Here you go.

Screenshot 2020-09-25 180134.webp
