UTSTARCOM UT300R2U Firmware.anyone?please help

Well the screwing up (after flashing) works in the following ways :1) U flash the modem and the lights of the modem doesn't light up. U try to ping it and get no response. Congrats u have a paper weight from BSNL worth 1200/- ;)2) U flash the modem but everything seems working fine. All the lights lighten up, but whatever u do, u are not getting connected. But u are able to access the web interface of the modem.If its the second case, chances of u reviving the modem back to its old state exists. In case u made backup of the old firmware, u could try flashing your modem with the old firmware and it will work. It should work. :)
Please edit & remove the dead links. only one Ok. img8.uploadhouse.com/fileuploads/1103/11034385ee8c9554bffd08de28278f165d0ba5f.png
The modem page does not tally with a screen shot (of UT300R2U) saved by me.
Firmware could be different.
By upgrading firmware line attenuation may not decrease.
I have no further ideas/suggestions , other than , try to check your telephone line/corroded contacts etc or you may try the modem in a friend's house, and check SNR and attenuation.
Para two : I will post tonight screen shots of two ISPs ( Airtel and BSNL)
and two modems AX Mt882 and Beetel220BxAdsl2+modem for SNR/line attenuation comparison.
Sorry. missed (in screenshot)the attn data u/l 4.5dB d/l ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,14.5dB ( for AxMt882)
Update:1000am Airtel 256Kbps AxMt882+ smc7004vwr WIFI router +laptopSonyFx215 [OS winxpsp2 only] comparison old UT300r2U page and just now Ax Mt882.
delete tn_ to see blowup.


Update 1215 Ax MT882 BSNL Broadband attn data u/ l5.5dB ,,,,,,, d/l ,,,,, 13.0db bsnlbb
update 1230 beetel220Bxadsl2+modem attn data u/l 12.3db .......d/l....... 19.8db bsnl BB

update 1242 ................do.............attn data u/l 6.2dB.........d/l .....12.5db airtel BB
from above missed in sS AXmt882...attn data u/l 4.5dB..........d/l .....14.5dB airtel BB

Distance from BSNL telephone exchange about 500 meters.
Distance from Airtel telephone exchange Not known ( may be about 4 Km not sure )
^anyways,I dont find any problem with their possibly wrong values of SNR and Attenuation values :rolleyes: .

Now,what I am concerned is,that the "Internet" and "Ethernet" LED's are blinking when browser is not opened or any other download :S !I did a netstat and found that there is nothing suspicious trying to connect outside!

I think this firmware which UTSTARCOM gave is really buggy! :mad:
below is a sample netstat o/p:
prakash@localhost:~$ netstat Active Internet connections (w/o servers)Proto Recv-Q Send-Q Local Address           Foreign Address         State      tcp        0    416      [B][/B]:www        ESTABLISHEDtcp        0      0      [B]171.210-193-49.idc[/B]-:www TIME_WAIT  tcp        0      0      [B]171.210-193-49.idc-[/B]:www TIME_WAIT  tcp        0      0 localhost:7634          [B]localhost:39642[/B]         TIME_WAIT
I tried a whois to find the IP's: =google
localhost:7634 =smart daemon(harddisk SMART on Linux)

What IS : 171.210-193-49.idc ?I have No Idea! :( can anyone Help what is going on with modem blinking :S

I have modem connected in bridge mode on Debian GNU/Linux.
^^ 171.210-193-49.idc = which is a non existent domain of OpenDNS. Seems like u are on OpenDNS service :)

are you using Opendns ? try tracert Google
BTW are you getting connected to Internet for any reasonable time ?

@cool_techie_tvm 171.210-193-49.idc =
how the Ip appears with xxx.yyy.-zzz-aa.idc ? how this became
in linux: is this is possible? conversion etc. I don't know linux.
from a tracert i did for IBF.

13 45 ms 46 ms 45 ms 33.203-211-159.unknown.qala.com.sg []
14 46 ms 44 ms 46 ms 171.210-193-49.idc-colo.qala.com.sg [210.193.49.
171] very much belongs to Opendns in
New York.

IP Address Country Region City Latitude/
Longitude ZIP Code Time Zone UNITED KINGDOM - - 54.15
-4.473 - +00:00
Net Speed ISP Domain

IP Address Country Region City Latitude/
Longitude ZIP Code Time Zone UNITED STATES NEW YORK NEW YORK 40.7488
-73.9846 10001 -05:00
Net Speed ISP Domain
^you are yet to understand what Open Source is! it is not as all developers coding for free!FOSS s/w are based on subscription system.

First understand what OSS is!
The Open Source Definition

Bruce Perens Treasurer, Open Source Initiative

This is the last draft that I submitted to the editor of O'Reilly's \"Open Sources\". The text is GPL-ed, and I am the copyright holder.
The typical computer user owns lots of software that he bought years ago, and no longer uses today. He may have upgraded his computer or changed brands, and then the program wouldn't work any longer. The software might have become obsolete. The program may simply not do what he needs. He may have bought two or more computers, and doesn't want to pay for a second copy of the software. Whatever the reason, the software that he paid for years ago isn't up to the task today. Does that really need to happen?
What if you had the right to get a free upgrade whenever your software needed it? What if, when you switched from a Mac to a PC, you could switch software versions for free? What if, when the software doesn't work or isn't powerful enough, you can have it improved or even fix it yourself? What if the software was still maintained even if the company that produced it went out of business? What if you can use your software on your office workstation, and your home desktop computer, and your portable laptop, instead of just one computer? You'd probably still be using the software you paid for years ago. These are some of the rights that Open Source gives you.
The Open Source Definition is a bill of rights for the computer user. It defines certain rights that a software license must grant you to be certified as Open Source. Those who don't make their programs Open Source are finding it difficult to compete with those who do, as users gain a new appreciation of rights they always should have had. Programs like the Linux operating system and Netscape's web browser have become extremely popular, displacing other software with more restrictive licenses. Companies that use Open Source software have the advantage of its very rapid development, often by several collaborating companies, and much of it contributed by individuals who simply need an improvement to serve their own needs.
The volunteers who made products like Linux possible are only there, and the companies are only able to cooperate, because of the rights that come with Open Source. The average computer programmer would feel stupid if he put lots of work into a program, only to have the owner of the program sell his improvement without giving anything back. Those same programmers feel comfortable contributing to Open Source because they are assured of these rights:

[*] The right to make copies of the program, and distribute those copies.
[*] The right to have access to the software's source code, a necessary preliminary before you can change it.
[*] The right to make improvements to the program.
[/list] These rights are important to the software contributor because they keep all contributors at the same level relative to each other. Everyone who wants to is allowed to sell an Open Source program, so prices will be low and development to reach new markets will be rapid. Anyone who invests the time to build knowledge in an Open Source program can support it, and this provides users with the option of providing their own support, or the economy of a number of competing support providers. Any programmer can tailor an Open Source program to specific markets in order to reach new customers. People who do these things aren't compelled to pay royalties or license fees. The reason for the success of this somewhat communist-sounding strategy, while the failure of communism itself is visible around the world, is that the economics of information are fundamentaly different from those of other products. There is very little cost associated with copying a piece of information like a computer program. The electricity involved costs less than a penny, and the use of the equipment not much more. In comparison, you can't copy a loaf of bread without a pound of flour.

The Open Source Definition
and what GNU stands for:
The GNU Operating System
you are a complete n00b to accuse something like that :x

read this first:
Why Open Source Software / Free Software (OSS/FS, FOSS, or FLOSS)? Look at the Numbers!
Making Money from Free & Open Source Software @ Follars.com - Free, Open-source Dollars

Free Open Source Software is the way for many ppl if you havent awake yet! do you have any consideration of the closed source model's benefits?see vista?it got 60+ spywares from NSA installed!and DRM too!

if you are such a mindless fool who dont care for your privacy ,ethics , fcuk off :Pdumb u n00b:rofl:
