What is the life of avg hard disk? (Not SSD)

Hard Disks are unpredictable as they're mechanical - and not just mechanical, but microscopically so, with high-speed componentry and plenty of constant vibration.Generally speaking, hard disks have warranty periods of 1, 3 or 5 years (manufacturer, model and revision dependent) so add about 1 year to that and this will indicate roughly what the manufacturer thinks it should last (basically, at the end of the warranty period, prepare to move your data to a new medium).Of course, how it's used during it's life is also a contributing factor. I've seen some disks die within weeks of purchase, others last the better part of a decade.
Just yesterday one of my Seagate HDD stopped being detected by Windows. Had tons of data. Luckily linux detected the Hard Disk. Copied the entire stuff. Now waiting to throw it out, or can it be saved? :dont-know:
