What is the Upload speed?

  • Thread starter Thread starter esdee51
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But why should Airtel shape upload speeds (24x7 and on all traffic not like throttling of torrents) which forms a much lesser chunk of their data transfer.

You'd think.

Probably the shaping is merely a percentage based variable: between hours 0900 and 1800 traffic of type "bittorrent" = capacity * 0.1

Or whatever. I hope you can see my logic.

I always thought that it is a limitation of ADSL that uploads cannot go beyond a certain speed.


That beng said, it was surprising to see the same upload speeds on both 2 and 4 mbps connection and i was expecting upload at atleast 1.1 mbps

In this case it seems they're not artificially limiting the upload speed, whereas they are doing that for the download speed.

the maximum upload speed of adsl2+ is only 1mbps. see mgcarley's post (4th) above.

Not quite. As mentioned, the maximum upload speed of ADSL2+ is 3.5mbit/s but most providers around the world don't use this usage profile (Annex M I think it's called), instead opting for another one which limits the potential upload speed to 1mbit/s or so - why, I don't know - maybe it's an equipment difference.
