When are the ISPs going to reduce the rates of 2MBPS unlimited, with NO FUP?

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Airtel 1Mbps
Its high time that we stop getting taken for granted in this country with speeds that do not match the times. A 1GB file takes hours to download, where as with cheaper rates, people even in the South East Asian countries can download 1 GB within an hour. All ISPs need to understand that we in this country can not be taken for granted just like this. On one side, there is the buzz of 3G and Wimax and then the 4G LTE standards, on the other we are paying broadband rates with the unlimited tag, but in reality it has the fair usage policy restriction on amount of downloads. We need freedom from slow and tightly controlled speeds. Internet is a democratic infrastructure. It is just like being given a car(read PC), an expressway(read the internet) and inspite of having paid the money to be on the expressway, getting told " Do not drive beyond 30 kms per hour!! It is totally a matter of getting screwed the most undemocratic way in our so called democracy, all in front of the eyes of the regulatory authority TRAI. It is high time that TRAI takes strong note and announces the minimum definition of BROADBAND as 1Mbps. Already the actual speeds are at a ratio of 1:8, then the case of distance from residence to the telephone exchange. Speeds being cut in the name of fair usage policy is another lethal attack on our freedom to be on the internet expressway. All of us who believe in our democratic and fundamental rights to live and breathe normally should now get in and use the power of pen(read type on forums like this) to convey to TRAI and the ISPs that enough is enough, stop taking us for granted as we know how to drive this car(our PCs) on the expressway whose HEAVY toll taxes(the internet broadband charges) we are being made to pay, but DO NOT ask us to drive at 30 kms per hour. We are already 10 years behind the rest of the developed world and even some developing countries like China, Russia, Brazil and 10s of others.I use Airtel 1mbps/speed does not match the price charged at Rs. 1700/This price should get a 2mbps/Fair Usage policy needs to go away/my current speed is cut to half automatically according to the so called fair usage policy/for the rest of the month till the next billing cycle begins, I am stuck with half the speed but pay for 1Mbps, which is so unfair, and amounts to cheating!!
To answer your question in one word - Never.Earlier there were relatively few 'heavy users' but with the advent of HD video streaming ISPs are not willing to provide true unlimited plans since their network can only handle so many users when they are utilizing the advertised speeds.
You need to talk to TRAI for this...only they can help

Hi. Two points for you, dude. One, This forum is meant for posting our(read again, I write "ours=All Indian Broadband Internet users, ok!) issues with the ISPs and for sharing our woes, personal experiences, new & latest information about packages & offers, and our opinions. If I could go to TRAI directly, trust me I wouldn't waste my precious time logging in, typing that long message and posting almost everyday. The reason I do is to convey and share my feelings as a fellow Indian and as a user who feels that we are genuinely being taken for a ride with higher rates and lower speeds with Fair Usage Policy thrown in to aggravate the hurt. I feel we in this country are kind of submissive or lukewarm about escalating things to the next level as we seem to be sitting like lame ducks without taking any actions. Complaining is good, but rising to the occasion, creating awareness, then joining hands together to take up a burning issue for a good cause is extremly important, especially in a developing country like ours where lives depend a lot on good communication. Two, Do not bother to conveniently write things like "you need to talk to TRAI for this, only they can help???" If you seriously believe that an individual approaching them can change things, then mark my words, they will not even bother. Only a group of people(read, responsible citizens)writing to them non-stop about it, while writing non-stop to the ISPs only will help. That is why AWARENESS is important. Get to know your rights as a broadband user and continue to write things that matter, and not lame suggestions like the one you have written here. Hope you will pen down more "meaningful" things here making the best of your precious time. Thanks.
Hi. Two points for you, dude. One, This forum is meant for posting our(read again, I write "ours=All Indian Broadband Internet users, ok!) issues with the ISPs and for sharing our woes, personal experiences, new & latest information about packages & offers, and our opinions. If I could go to TRAI directly, trust me I wouldn't waste my precious time logging in, typing that long mail and posting almost everyday. The reason I do is to convey and share my feelings as a fellow Indian and as a user who feels that we are genuinely being taken for a ride with higher rates and lower speeds with FUP thrown in to aggravate the hurt. I feel we in this country are kind of submissive or lukewarm about escalating things to the next level as we seem to be sitting like lame ducks without taking any actions. Complaining is good, but rising to the occasion, creating awareness, then joining hands together to take up a burning issue for a good cause is extremly important, especially in a developing country like ours where lives depend a lot on good communication. Two, Do not bother to conveniently write things like "you need to talk to TRAI for this, only they can help???" If you seriously believe that an individual approaching them can change things, then mark my words, they will not even bother. Only a group of people(read, responsible citizens)writing to them non-stop about it, while writing non-stop to the ISPs only will help. That is why AWARENESS is important. Get to know your rights as a broadband user and continue to write things that matter, and not lame suggestions like the one you have written here. Thanks, and hope you will pen down more "meaningful" things here making the best of your precious time.
I second that, In India if we dont Raise the Voice - Nothing will change, we have to Raise out Voice.
Just last week & today, I had a chat with a reputed person from airtel. He chatted with me on behalf of Mr Shashi Arora, CEO at Bharti Airtel Limited.Last week, he had called me up on my mobile in response to a mail I had sent to Mr Shashi Arora. (Don't ask me for his email pls). He told me this Fair Usage Policy had been implemented keeping in mind the usage of the majority of the broadband users who just surf the internet. I had given the link of this Airtel broadband forum section to him in the email & had told him that there's no heavy downloader in India who is a fan of this Fair Usage Policy, so what about them ? Then he started offering me some other plans but the rates of those tariff plans were expensive. I already pay Rs 1152 for the broadband & I can't afford to spend more. I suggested him to change the speed drop from 256kbps to 768kbps or 1Mbps on crossing the Fair Usage Policy limit on the tariff plans. In the end, it was clear we Airtel users have to endure this Fair Usage Policy. Today also he called me up because I had asked him to do something about my low upload speeds as I am an ardent gamer but again I got a dissapointment. I understand that airtel uses ADSL technology but it would have been a lot satisfactory for me had the upload speeds been like 1Mbps (download): 768kbps(upload). I could have hosted my gaming server then so that me & my friends could play Left 4 dead 2 (versus mode) online. Sadly, its not possible for me with such a low upload speed of 400-500kbps.:icry::icry: Now that would be different thing if airtel can provide us a dedicated server for Left 4 dead 2 since its a popular multiplayer game in India now.:inodding: In the end, he offered me a deal regarding a value added service which I could use free of charge for 10 hours for the next 2 billing cycles. In short, all I would like to say is that although I hate the Fair Usage Policy imposed & the low upload speed Airtel offered to us, I was somewhat happy by the gesture of that guy (by calling me twice & giving me that value-added deal). Now all thats left for me is to wait & watch what happens before the Commonwealth games arrive.

MTNL is sadly the only hope for the customers in india and that too only in Delhi and Mumbai. BSNL is literally doing nothing and other smaller players are not in position to take on Airtel.
Hi. Two points for you, dude. One, This forum is meant for posting our(read again, I write "ours=All Indian Broadband Internet users, ok!) issues with the ISPs and for sharing our woes, personal experiences, new & latest information about packages & offers, and our opinions. If I could go to TRAI directly, trust me I wouldn't waste my precious time logging in, typing that long message and posting almost everyday. The reason I do is to convey and share my feelings as a fellow Indian and as a user who feels that we are genuinely being taken for a ride with higher rates and lower speeds with Fair Usage Policy thrown in to aggravate the hurt. I feel we in this country are kind of submissive or lukewarm about escalating things to the next level as we seem to be sitting like lame ducks without taking any actions. Complaining is good, but rising to the occasion, creating awareness, then joining hands together to take up a burning issue for a good cause is extremly important, especially in a developing country like ours where lives depend a lot on good communication. Two, Do not bother to conveniently write things like "you need to talk to TRAI for this, only they can help???" If you seriously believe that an individual approaching them can change things, then mark my words, they will not even bother. Only a group of people(read, responsible citizens)writing to them non-stop about it, while writing non-stop to the ISPs only will help. That is why AWARENESS is important. Get to know your rights as a broadband user and continue to write things that matter, and not lame suggestions like the one you have written here. Hope you will pen down more "meaningful" things here making the best of your precious time. Thanks.

Really nice words of wisdom. Things u said are practical. May be as a start, the users of this forum should form a group and plan things
When 389 of such thread are opened......then the iSP's will be forced to take action. /sarc
