With Maran out what is the future of Indian IT industry?

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With the resignation of Mr.Dayanidhi Maran (Former Minister) what will happen to the future of the Indian IT and ITES industries? Well apart from politics he has brought in a total revenue of Rs.2, 62,000 Crores of Investment into India out of which a huge Rs.49,000 Crore was sanctioned for Tamil Nadu alone. Imagine his plans like OneIndia and 2 Mbps Broadband (????) with FREE! Broadband by the year 2009... Well now what will happen to the IT/ITES and Telecom industries? The problem is to manage such a field you'd need an educated person who knows these industries in and out... Will IT have a bright future? You can hear most of the IT companies mourning right now.. and some are happy... :whistle:Well lets wait and see... wht'll happen... by the way guyz you can voice out ur opinions here... :)
i had see someone to come out with more sensible promises... and better implementation.
Well sushubh bhai the new Minister Mr.Raja was former minster for Forestry Dept. Well I personally feel that any old politician could not have done much as Maran had done to India. We need Fresh politicians with the aim of not only looting cash and building media empires but at the same time do a small favor for the public community too...
One good thing that he did was to force BSNL/MTNL to give 2mbps connections. Till an year ago that would have been a dream.
:)i had issues with maran at the post. he is from the industry. he is part of the companies which deals with the fields covered by the ministry... its like making mallya the aviation minister while he is also the owner of kingfisher airlines. politicians gotta have no connections to the private industries.
Well I agree on wht you say for other industries but the buzzing IT industry wud sure need a person who knows what is going on in an IT industry and how can the Govt. profit from them?

I think corruption and conflict of interest is a given in politics. Anyone who comes in will take his/her share out of every rupee that changes hand. At least this guy knew importance of ADC / broadband / transparency what it does to Telecom industry.
ok here we have our new IT minister MR.A.RAJA ( EX: FOREST MINISTER) ......

CAN someone confirm he knows how to operate "mouse"........:hysterical:

or may be its just gonna be jungle raj !!!!!!:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
I believe that the topic should be changed to Tribute to D. Maran - he revolutionarized the Mobile use and specifically broadband in India.He mastermined One India plan, reducing call rates, roaming rates (in Hindustan times today in a interview he revealed that he's goin to scrap all Roaming charges from Bsnl on 3rd June - Karunanidhi's B'day), getting Spectrum from Army, About to Introduce 3 G services, Broadband and then 2 MBPS speed, n also expressed his desire to make it all free by his tenure till 2009, and overall brought Transparency to the telecom dept...Sushubh bhai i totally agree with you, but as every coin have two sides, each n everythin has its own prons n cons. If he wouldn't be associated with the business of the Ministry he's incharge of, then how can you expect liberal policies n its proper implementation in such short span of time..We all knows, govt has very good plans for the development, but they all are on paper - the best example Delhi Metro - it has been claimed that the Idea was conceived by Mrs. Indira Gandhi in early Eighty's n we'll know the result.. If V. Mallaya becomes Minister of Aviation, we'll be prefering to board a flight for destiations like Delhi to Chandigarg etc etc than Bus, car or train...Who so ever comes n occupy the chair, should continue what D. Maran has started and continue to benefit the end users - CONSUMERS - DESH KI JANTA
Well I personally feel that any old politician could not have done much as Maran had done to India.


done..for the tamil state :yahoo:

Of course he was great for you :P

I'm not sure what he has really done, otherwise, getting foreign investment is not a big deal, they are dying to come in here anyway. Big booming economy etc.

Read what abhishek posted from the bs standard on his blog. am i the only one that thinks the name of that otherwise fine newspaper must be changed

To be honest, its amazing he even got the job, given the gross conflict of interest what with his family being in the media business etc. I think its a fitting end, he screwed him up cos there was no way he could have been taken to task any other way. And hopefully puts to an end, this free broadband commie shit for good.
